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I'm looking for a good coalition to join

I'm looking for a good coalition to join

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8 янв. 2016, 06:3408.01.16

I'm looking for a good coalition to join

Hello, I'm looking for a coalition to join. I've been with my current coalition since I joined the game and they are a great group of people and I have risen far, but everyone speaks so many languages that it has made communication a nightmare. Simple messages have to be sent out of seven different languages and each day my inbox is spammed with a dozen new messages to cover the communication spectrum. I would really like to be apart of a group that uses one language across the board and isn't just about a collective self-defence.

About me: 

* Level: 62 

* How long I've been playing:  Approximately six months.

* How active am I?: I've missed logging-in just one day and under ideal circumstances I'll log-in at least three times each day. During that time I post on the forum, chat, answer mail, direct troops, etc. 

* What is the power of my army?: I'm not a coiner, though I have spent small amounts of money in the past. I cannot divulge how strong my force is, for obvious reasons, but I can say that I will certainly take-out multiple millions on either offence or defense if put to the task. If there is a strength requirement then send a messenger to me and I can say if I would meet it or not. 

What type of coalition I'm looking for

* One primary language: My native language is English, but I'm fluent in Spanish as well. The most important thing to me is that I can communicate with my fellow members without the hassle of using Translators or relaying messages to be translated by other bilingual people. The occasional message is fine, but when half of chat is a mixture of  English, Italian, French, German, and the other-half is Greek it makes it very difficult to work together reliably

* Active: The coalition must be active. One major benefit to belong to a coalition is that it produces some excellent rewards, which means higher benefits for each player. Soldiers and resources mean a solid income of dracma.

*Goals and Ambitions: The idea of sitting around doing nothing isn't appealing to me. I need attainable goals to work for, such as taking a Pantheon or settlement or holding them alongside the coalition. I want to feel that our coalition has a purpose beyond a collective defense

* Powerful: One problem that my current clan has run into was that it's fairly weak. It's not a pushover, but we have had several powerful players raid our members and not fear sufficient retaliation. I would like to belong to a powerful clan that can defend its members and ward off  raids from occurring.

* Obedience without being domineering: In my current coalition we have over 100 members. When called we can get 5 - 10 people to respond reliably after a week of warning. This is unacceptable to me. The coalition I would like to join must have team-players and be obedient when the Hegmon calls for a collective action. Yet at the same time I wouldn't want to follow a Hegmon that demands we sacrifice our entire defense or offense just to wear down an opponent while he is exempt from making a trash-strike of equal sacrifice.

*  Honorable Leaders:  No-one plays to lose, but I feel many go beyond what is that arbitrary line of acceptable conduct. I don't want to be associated with a coalition that allows its members to harass others of another coalition and then hide behind our armies when they retaliate. If a member does something wrong then I believe they should be held accountable for it.A code of ethics and accountability for purposeful wrong-doing in a coualition is important for me. 

8 янв. 2016, 09:4808.01.16

Hello AmyWalker

This is my second message to you

I would love if you joined us in TimeKeepers 2.  We are currently a small active coalition with a great group of big brothers and sisters in Timkeepers.  We are a mainly English speaking  Coa with a few Spanish speaking members.  Our goal is to work our way up to having our own pantheon.  We respond to all request/orders from our Heg or Heg of TK.   We are active in chat and also have a Skype room where we meet and get mentorship from the larger more experienced players.  We do not do face chat in Skype it is just typed conversation.  We help each other and deal with all issues immediately if we are not able to handle on our own then we contact our big brothers/sisters and they assist .

Again I feel you would be a great fit to our coalition and I would really enjoy your company

Thanks again for you time

Deztanee (polemarch) of TK2

11 янв. 2016, 21:2411.01.16
amywalker730 said:

Hello, I'm looking for a coalition to join. I've been with my current coalition since I joined the game and they are a great group of people and I have risen far, but everyone speaks so many languages that it has made communication a nightmare. Simple messages have to be sent out of seven different languages and each day my inbox is spammed with a dozen new messages to cover the communication spectrum. I would really like to be apart of a group that uses one language across the board and isn't just about a collective self-defence.

About me: 

* Level: 62 

* How long I've been playing:  Approximately six months.

* How active am I?: I've missed logging-in just one day and under ideal circumstances I'll log-in at least three times each day. During that time I post on the forum, chat, answer mail, direct troops, etc. 

* What is the power of my army?: I'm not a coiner, though I have spent small amounts of money in the past. I cannot divulge how strong my force is, for obvious reasons, but I can say that I will certainly take-out multiple millions on either offence or defense if put to the task. If there is a strength requirement then send a messenger to me and I can say if I would meet it or not. 

What type of coalition I'm looking for

* One primary language: My native language is English, but I'm fluent in Spanish as well. The most important thing to me is that I can communicate with my fellow members without the hassle of using Translators or relaying messages to be translated by other bilingual people. The occasional message is fine, but when half of chat is a mixture of  English, Italian, French, German, and the other-half is Greek it makes it very difficult to work together reliably

* Active: The coalition must be active. One major benefit to belong to a coalition is that it produces some excellent rewards, which means higher benefits for each player. Soldiers and resources mean a solid income of dracma.

*Goals and Ambitions: The idea of sitting around doing nothing isn't appealing to me. I need attainable goals to work for, such as taking a Pantheon or settlement or holding them alongside the coalition. I want to feel that our coalition has a purpose beyond a collective defense

* Powerful: One problem that my current clan has run into was that it's fairly weak. It's not a pushover, but we have had several powerful players raid our members and not fear sufficient retaliation. I would like to belong to a powerful clan that can defend its members and ward off  raids from occurring.

* Obedience without being domineering: In my current coalition we have over 100 members. When called we can get 5 - 10 people to respond reliably after a week of warning. This is unacceptable to me. The coalition I would like to join must have team-players and be obedient when the Hegmon calls for a collective action. Yet at the same time I wouldn't want to follow a Hegmon that demands we sacrifice our entire defense or offense just to wear down an opponent while he is exempt from making a trash-strike of equal sacrifice.

*  Honorable Leaders:  No-one plays to lose, but I feel many go beyond what is that arbitrary line of acceptable conduct. I don't want to be associated with a coalition that allows its members to harass others of another coalition and then hide behind our armies when they retaliate. If a member does something wrong then I believe they should be held accountable for it.A code of ethics and accountability for purposeful wrong-doing in a coualition is important for me. 

Join us at death sparta noob. :) ranked #15
12 янв. 2016, 21:0712.01.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:39(отредактировано)

Archon Amywalker730  the only thing I would add is whether or not you want to be in a coalition that has Pantheons or not. Some coalitions have a Pan or in some cases many, one of the coalitions I was in had over 30 Pantheons. This is relevant for 2 reasons, the first is that you will be required to provide defense to the Pans which usually means all or most of your defense troops and Pans are a target. The second is Orichalcum which is used to raise your troops to Veteran status; Pantheons are the only way for you to get Orichalcum. Some Coalitions are purely offensive, i.e. they do not hold Pans instead they kill them and in these Coalitions Offense is the most important. The two types of Coalitions operate somewhat differently because of their differing goals and perspectives but both will also engage in PVP and other events so you may wish to factor this into your considerations. I would suggest you concentrate on the people and the teamplay and if possible find a coalition with a Pantheon or more than one so that you get Orichalcum to vet your troops and get to understand Pan play then at a later date if you wish you could consider trying one without Pans. I started in a coalition without Pans, had a great time them moved with a number of my in game friends to one with Pans.

Good gaming and I hope you enjoy yourself in Sparta.
15 янв. 2016, 17:1515.01.16

Deztanee said:

Hello AmyWalker

This is my second message to you

I would love if you joined us in TimeKeepers 2.  We are currently a small active coalition with a great group of big brothers and sisters in Timkeepers.  We are a mainly English speaking  Coa with a few Spanish speaking members.  Our goal is to work our way up to having our own pantheon.  We respond to all request/orders from our Heg or Heg of TK.   We are active in chat and also have a Skype room where we meet and get mentorship from the larger more experienced players.  We do not do face chat in Skype it is just typed conversation.  We help each other and deal with all issues immediately if we are not able to handle on our own then we contact our big brothers/sisters and they assist .

Again I feel you would be a great fit to our coalition and I would really enjoy your company

Thanks again for you time

Deztanee (polemarch) of TK2

Ah sorry about that, I didn't know I received any messages. I have a bad tendency to make topics when I'm half asleep and then forget about it in the morning! 

31 янв. 2016, 16:0931.01.16

Happy to chat in game, if you're still looking? 

You can find me in RAZORBACKS coalition. 

Only been an active 3 months, but flying up the rankings (150 ish) and a great set of ladies and gents over here; many with a lot of experience in the game :)  
14 апр. 2017, 14:4614.04.17

15 апр. 2017, 20:0815.04.17
I am not in any of the aformentions coalitions but my money is on Razorbacks or Guerilla's
20 апр. 2017, 09:4620.04.17
20 апр. 2017, 09:48(отредактировано)


I am not in any of the aformentions coalitions but my money is on Razorbacks or Guerilla's

Hi Amywalker and Apollo's Glory...

Its a honor that we are one of the two coals you think to decide... We arent big one coal as Razorbacks but we build from scratch with 98% active daily players and we have a lot of plans for the future.. Here it ll be opportunities for leadership too except the heavy training to help you grow fast yr city & army... We are helpfull team without pressure to our players and that i m offer is really you ll enjoy the game...
26 апр. 2017, 13:3626.04.17
Dorieas said:


I am not in any of the aformentions coalitions but my money is on Razorbacks or Guerilla's

Hi Amywalker and Apollo's Glory...

Its a honor that we are one of the two coals you think to decide... We arent big one coal as Razorbacks but we build from scratch with 98% active daily players and we have a lot of plans for the future.. Here it ll be opportunities for leadership too except the heavy training to help you grow fast yr city & army... We are helpfull team without pressure to our players and that i m offer is really you ll enjoy the game...
I can see your coalition rising to the top at some point. I respect coalitions that work hard and are team oriented.  I have seen many different coalitions become titans and then fall and then rise again so it is not impossible for the Guerrillas to rise.  Best of luck 
26 апр. 2017, 18:2926.04.17
RIX said:

Dorieas said:


I am not in any of the aformentions coalitions but my money is on Razorbacks or Guerilla's

Hi Amywalker and Apollo's Glory...

Its a honor that we are one of the two coals you think to decide... We arent big one coal as Razorbacks but we build from scratch with 98% active daily players and we have a lot of plans for the future.. Here it ll be opportunities for leadership too except the heavy training to help you grow fast yr city & army... We are helpfull team without pressure to our players and that i m offer is really you ll enjoy the game...
I can see your coalition rising to the top at some point. I respect coalitions that work hard and are team oriented.  I have seen many different coalitions become titans and then fall and then rise again so it is not impossible for the Guerrillas to rise.  Best of luck 
all coals get a set back in ranking eventually but as most people do know by now its not the rank off a coalition that defines how bigg they are. its the way they can demonstrate their powers and crush their enemies. offcourse as guerilla is raid rank orientated they ahow their stregnth and expertise when they win and dominate raid rabking. being at the top of the coalition rabking doesnt meen a thing. i think that a lot of top 10 or 20 coals should either be way higher or way lower in ranking ifther were different criterea