Is Kaos of Mayham Makers Really Grumpy Cat?
Dear Fellow Archons,
I believe growth is important. Unless we make a real effort to learn something new, every day, we run the very genuine risk of becoming staid, boring, stick-in-the-muds that lack innovation and creativity. Such a mental state typically leads to a lack of humor, which creates weak leaders and even weaker armies and ultimately ends in sadness and a desire to withdraw from Life in Sparta. All of those now empty cities that we farm, were once populated by archons just like you and I that fell victim to a lack of a sense of humor.
I learned something today that I thought I would share so that you, too, can learn something new that will help you exercise that most important of organs in our bodies: the funny bone. So, In the spirit of mirth, lightheartedness and fun, I am sharing my discovery with all of you.
Kaos, the hedge of MM (aka Mayhem Makers) is totally devoid of a sense of humor.
I know, I know, you can't believe it. I heard your collective gasp, but, sadly, it is true. Kaos has no sense of humor whatsoever.
So, how did I make this discovery?
Earlier today I was in need of some PVP points for the current tourney. Now, in the past, I have exchanged little raids in the Emporia with one player in MM, but, he is many, many miles away from me, and possibly stronger as well. So, I attacked a weaker player in their coalition.
Immediately, their hedge, Kaos, attacked me back.
From both the raid, and defense I earned a ton of PvP points. More than my wildest dreams. So, I sent Kaos a little note thanking him, quite sincerely, for those points. In fact, I was so happy with those points that I decided to visit his city in person with a very small portion of my army to show my appreciation.
So what happened? Well, I had no sooner sent my troops on their way than I receive a notice that they were automatically returned to me because the city at those cords was no longer there. Now, imagine how I felt, here is Mr. Kaos, hedge of one of the top coalitions in all of Sparta, literally running away from little old me.
So, I sent him another little message telling him I was sorry I had missed him, that I had only wanted to show my appreciation for all of those lovely PvP points.
So, what do you think he did then? Why he sends me the most hateful reply saying if I don't quit harassing MM he would put me and my coalition on a hit list to be attacked.
This really hurt my feelings, then, I thought about it and came to the realization that Kaos must not have a sense of humor at all, and, I told him that in my reply. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that his actions and attitude reminded me of someone else that's popular for his grumpiness the world over: Yes, that's right, Grumpy Cat!
Kaos = Grumpy Cat!
Think about it, who else but grumpy cat would get mad at a lowly, but grateful archon that was simply attempting to thank them for PVP points while interjecting a little humor into their gameplay?
Don't believe me? Look closely at the attached image of Grumpy Cat below -- the similarity between Grumpy Catt and Kaos is unmistakable!
I honestly don't know why Kaos is so grumpy and grouchy and totally lacking in a sense of humor. I worry that he may be sad and become bored and possibly desert his city, so I say we do what we can to remedy that. Let's all give it up from Kaos Grumpy Cat! Hip Hip Hee-Haw! Hip Hip Ha-Ha-Ha! Hip Hip Hooray!
I know you don't like me Mr. Kaos Grump Cat, but I like you, and I really liked the PvP points --- and this is just my attempt to show my appreciation, AND, inject a little lighthearted fun, and laughter, in the game!
Now, I know the subject of this forum is supposed to be about bragging on your coalition, and, I guess in a way I am, since little old me of my tiny, unimportant coalition apparently scared Kaos enough into at least temporarily moving his massively defended city. So, if you have a sense of humor, and, basically enjoy thumbing your nose at the status quo, even if you have to take a few hits to do so, then my coalition, The Vengeful Hellions, might be a place where you can fit in and have a few laughs in the process! So, why not apply? We have plenty of openings and don't have any real rules except one: have fun!