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Update Highlights 10.10

Update Highlights 10.10

Hello, everyone!

We have Update 10.10 coming up soon, and the new Update Highlights article will provide a glimpse of everything it has in store. First of all, there’s a new RAID Event planned for early January, and while we can’t reveal everything just yet, you can expect a few useful insights. Furthermore, a number of balance changes and QoL improvements are coming as well.

Read on to learn more!

New RAID Event

A new major Event will launch at the beginning of January, and it will include various activities like smaller Events and Tournaments. Here are a couple of highlights that you can look forward to:

Champion Chase Event

A new Legendary Champion will be available for free during a dedicated Chase Event. It will work the same as the previous few Chases, meaning you only need to log in 7 times to claim the Champion, but more logins will yield additional rewards and unlock the second phase of the Event, where you can earn Split Souls to increase the Champion’s Awakening Level to 5.

Event Dungeon

The Event Dungeon will open its gates once more as a new villain has taken up residence within. Send your best Champions to battle against them, and claim Pinpoint Gear while you are at it!

The Event will also feature a couple of unique Relics, one of which will be available via the Event Dungeon Tournament. A new Relic Group - Event - will be added, along with Crafting Materials required to create them in the Forge.

Keep your eyes peeled and watch official RAID social media for more news!

Market Rework

The Market in your Bastion will become a hub where all the traders across various game modes can gather. Access by tapping on the regular building, and you’ll see tabs for the Market itself, Token Trader, Clan Shop, Bazaar, Soul Merchant, and Mystic Market available within.

On top of that, there will be more changes to the Market.

  • First, you'll be able to find Rank 6 Gear in it!
  • Second, some of the existing Sets you're used to obtaining in the Dungeons will become available in the Market.
  • Third, it will start featuring Epic and Legendary Gear more often. And the more you progress, the better Artifacts you'll get access to. At some point, you may even stop receiving Common and Uncommon Gear among the Market offers.

Champions Rating Reset

We designed Champions Rating to efficiently reflect how you evaluate particular Champions' performance in different Game Modes. To maintain the relevance and accuracy of this parameter, especially in light of the regular addition of new Champions, rebalances of the existing ones, and in-game meta shifts, we're applying the Champions Rating Reset in the 10.10 Update.

So, please walk through rating your Champions once again when you have a chance. This up-to-date information will be invaluable for all players!

Balance Updates

We have a few changes planned for Update 10.10 that will affect game balance in different modes:

  • Lethal Dose and Incinerate, previously Arena-specific Blessings, will work in Siege Battles.
  • Berserk will be added to the list of debuffs that Bosses are immune to by default.
  • Some Doom Tower Stages will be rebalanced due to the upcoming changes to Skull Lord Var-Gall. Waves that contain more than one instance of this Champion will be changed to feature other Lizardmen Champions instead.

Rebalance: Champions



New Champions



6 янв. 2025, 12:5806.01.25
6 янв. 2025, 13:2606.01.25

40 days now and still no fix for the lizard team getting polymorth bug !!! 👏👏👏👏

6 янв. 2025, 13:2706.01.25

I like the sound of the changes to the market  excited to see it.  So tired  of just seeing grey items .

Also need some more pinpoint gear .happy raiding everyone 

6 янв. 2025, 13:3906.01.25

For the next make a video to better understand the changes

6 янв. 2025, 13:5406.01.25

Will the fix for Nell Blackteeth be implemented with this patch? It was promised for next patch

6 янв. 2025, 17:2706.01.25

Nice market update, now the only thing we need is a market where clan members can trade gear 

6 янв. 2025, 18:0706.01.25

Losan K'leth looks broken. Definitely going to be nerfed soon

6 янв. 2025, 18:1706.01.25

40 days now and still no fix for the lizard team getting polymorth bug !!! 👏👏👏👏

I'm told this will be fixed with the update tomorrow. :)

6 янв. 2025, 18:4106.01.25

Good that we're getting a market hub and that the market is getting updated. 

6 янв. 2025, 23:2606.01.25

What about the issues with Noelle? Specifically her not targeting Sir Nic and also her apparently being able to slow down the Demon Lord?

7 янв. 2025, 00:0807.01.25

What about Slayer bug with max hp champions - when additional damage is not the same as initial hit? 

And hydra bug that multi attac champs stop after decapitated head is killed.

7 янв. 2025, 14:4507.01.25
7 янв. 2025, 14:45(отредактировано)

You need to do more champion rebalancing in one update. There are so many champions that have practically zero use in the game rn, eg: tatsu, samar gemcaused, suzerain, Mari the lucky, greenwarden get very few play time too. And even rhazen need another buff. You can make crypt king even more better, why not make his a2 place another debuff instead of up burn on all enemie, and a3 will place freeze for 1 turn and go burn for two turn. And if the enem are under the debuff that his at places, place hl burn for three turn instead

7 янв. 2025, 20:4307.01.25

What about Slayer bug with max hp champions - when additional damage is not the same as initial hit? 

And hydra bug that multi attac champs stop after decapitated head is killed.

The Ally Attack and Multihits stopping after a Hydra Severed Head is killed is working as intended, they say. You can see their explanation for that here: https://forum.plarium.com/en/raid-shadow-legends/843_news/43080_comments-on-the-changes-to-hydra-and-other-tweaks-of-update-9-40/

Us moderators have reported your feedback and thoughts on this change/bug fix to Plarium though.

I'm told Slayer is also working as intended now. There won't be any changes to the way it calculates damage.

8 янв. 2025, 04:2008.01.25

è possibile migliorare il proprio "diario" (INBOX)? sarebbe buona cosa se ci fosse la possibilita di controllare i frammenti presenti ed eventualmente venderli...

8 янв. 2025, 09:4408.01.25

è possibile migliorare il proprio "diario" (INBOX)? sarebbe buona cosa se ci fosse la possibilita di controllare i frammenti presenti ed eventualmente venderli...

Ciao, e grazie per aver condiviso il tuo suggerimento. Non possiamo promettere che sarà implementato nel prossimo futuro, tuttavia lo inoltreremo al team per una valutazione. Buona fortuna! 

(translated by Google Translate)

8 янв. 2025, 11:3308.01.25

hola , algun consejo para vencer en castillo del caballero de fuego lvl 14 ,pls?

10 янв. 2025, 05:5610.01.25

hola , algun consejo para vencer en castillo del caballero de fuego lvl 14 ,pls?

Why don't you start a thread in our Game Discussion section, and post your roster, and we'll do our best to help you build a team.