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Comments on the Changes to Hydra and Other Tweaks of Update 9.40

Comments on the Changes to Hydra and Other Tweaks of Update 9.40

Ally attack and multi-attack fix (Hydra bug fix)

After the update 9.30, we noticed a bug with Ally attack and multi-attack skills. After the target is defeated, the attack animations stop, but potential damage that would be added to the target will still be counted, creating a number of tech errors because technically the target no longer exists. These errors were increasingly causing issues on the server and needed to be resolved before snowballing into game crashes. Considering the urgency, we promptly addressed the problem and released a bug fix in the 9.40 update. Unfortunately, due to a mistake on our side, we haven't mentioned this fix in the release notes.

Due to the changes to the Exposed Necks mechanics, unfortunately, this fix also negatively affected Hydra teams. Before Hydra rebalance in 9.30 Exposed Necks had infinite HP, so all damage counted until a new Hydra head appeared. Which prevented Hydra from being affected by tech errors. 

After the update 9.30 changes to the Hydra mechanics, this situation could have occurred:

  • The Exposed Necks have a small amount of HP left.
  • Ally attack or multi-attack used on it.
  • All potential attack damage is added to the score.
  • New Head appears.

However, this was creating a situation where the game was trying to attack something that no longer existed, launch attack animations with no targets, and deal damage without a target.

After the fix:

  • The Exposed Necks have a small amount of HP left.
  • Ally attack or multi-attack used on it.
  • Attacks are registered until the target reaches 0 HP, then the skill stops.
  • New Head appears.

Important notes:

  • If damage from a specific hit is greater than the target HP, the damage will still be added in full to the score. But any follow-up attacks will be stopped.
  • Multi-hit or team-up attack stops only upon defeating the Exposed Neck. When an Exposed neck replaces a Hydra head, an incoming multi-hit or team-up attack will continue because the Exposed neck is a different state of the same enemy. On the other hand, the new Head is a completely different object, so multi-hit and team-up attacks stop after this swap.

With the technical aspect out of the way, we also want to address the overall situation. Regrettably, this fix was not mentioned in the Highlights or the Release news. This was a mistake on our side, and we will do our best to prevent it from happening in the future.

Regarding the future of Hydra

While Hydra is not a new feature, we see it as new due to the changes to its core mechanics. We carefully monitor the situation and prepare further adjustments to improve the player experience. We are already testing some of the possible remedies for the four Serpent’s Will buffs situation, and are looking at Champions, like Trunda (who might be overperforming), underperforming strategies, and balance adjustments that might be needed to change that. We aim that every change to the Feature is done above board and with as much explanation and motivation as we can provide. So you can rest assured that whatever changes or tweaks we are making, you will be able to see a description of what gets modified.

New UI login for mobile devices - the fix is live!

The new login UI for mobile devices caused some confusion. Before the release, clicking "Login with Plarium ID" directed players to the login area.

After the release, players were redirected to the page that described the benefits of Plarium Play first, and only after that were they transferred to the login area via the "Create a Plarium ID" button.

We have fixed it! Now, players are redirected straight to the login area, as they were before the release.

We apologize for the temporary inconvenience!

Florins & Repair of the Buildings: What If I Had Excess Florins After The Rebalance?

If your Clan, before yesterday’s release, had donated more Florins than is needed now to repair a particular building, all donated Florins would have returned to their donors. As a result, the balance would return to 0/350. All you need to do now is to donate Florins again if you still want to repair a particular building.
Note: If you choose to donate Florins for the repair of a building and you have previously donated enough Florins to upgrade that building, the upgrading process will be automatically triggered and completed upon reparation.  

8 нояб. 2024, 14:5508.11.24
8 нояб. 2024, 15:2208.11.24

Finally at a point where I really dont care, thanks for QoL updates keep up the god work... (Ironi can accour)

8 нояб. 2024, 16:2708.11.24

Quit LYING! You're not improving player experience. Literally all of your players are telling you this. I have not seen one single comment from the community or even the content creators saying anything at all positive about these idiotic and unnecessary Hydra changes. You are killing your own game!!!!!! Wake up and realize 

8 нояб. 2024, 18:0608.11.24

I think ally attack change is 100% accurate and logical. But multi hit feels a bit odd. I saw multi hit work even after the first hit damage depleted the targets hp. Afterall I don't feel disappointed due to this ally attack change. I feel content creators induced negativity to the player base due to selfish reasons.

8 нояб. 2024, 19:2808.11.24

Give the necks five or ten times more HP.

I see multiple benefits: 

  1. Gives us more of a chance to do more damage overall. Seeing our (non-Trunda) teams do far less damage and making it harder for us to get the chests we used to get feels really bad.
  2. Multi-hitters and ally attacks will get back more of their use since the necks won't be killed so quickly.
  3. By having necks live longer, it will space out when heads revive and their Serpent's Will buffs.
8 нояб. 2024, 19:4508.11.24
10 нояб. 2024, 11:57(отредактировано)

It's called implementation details. We should not care about your bug on the server side and such fixes should not affect the game experience.

8 нояб. 2024, 19:4808.11.24

Congrats on your continued quest to make Hydra less enjoyable.  Love how you decided to make it worse for everyone.  For our clan, it's already gone from "we're slowly making progress, keep at it" to "eh, w/e, do what you can".  Teams have been wrecked, months of work getting and leveling and gearing champs has been flushed down the drain.  We just don't care anymore.  That, combined with the ongoing flop that is siege, has really crushed morale.

Some notes:

1) Necks need far more HP - seriously, it's far too easy to kill them and pop a fresh head now, there's almost no point to do it, as that only makes the fight harder

2) Ally attacks lost a lot of value - again, lots of people built champions for this, now they're not nearly as useful

3) Serpent's Will is horrid now - make it so it's only on one head at a time or something.  It's way too hard to try to get new heads to pop at the exact same time to limit it

4) Damage has gone way down, but the requirements for chests has remained the same.  Again, this is punishing for anyone who's not endgame or a whale/kraken

5) This is for siege - get rid of repair costs, just have buildings auto rebuild after a matchup is all done.  It's really not a fun mechanic - we can't upgrade anything, because all our money has to go to repairs.

8 нояб. 2024, 21:0108.11.24

There was no Bug this is just a BS excuse you made up. If such a bug existed you would have fixed in the 3 freaking years that Hydra has been out. Out of no where there is a bug because you went and Nerfed the only interesting game mode that was left. Only to be try and keep people spending on a dying game. 

9 нояб. 2024, 01:3509.11.24

To add another point -

If we have to have the "Win one LA quest" please at least let it give DT keys so we can get our 15 a day.  I already hate LA, having the "reward" be 50 energy only is a slap in the face.

9 нояб. 2024, 09:4209.11.24

После обновления не запусуается уже 4-й денью Че за херня?

9 нояб. 2024, 09:4709.11.24

Come on people check this game out I think by far this legend is the number one or could be the number one game of the year this by far is pretty wild and I give it a I give it five stars

9 нояб. 2024, 10:0609.11.24

Plarium literally has employees wracking their little brains trying to invent ways to f*** over their playerbase and cause them to quit.

9 нояб. 2024, 10:0709.11.24

Congrats on your continued quest to make Hydra less enjoyable.  Love how you decided to make it worse for everyone.  For our clan, it's already gone from "we're slowly making progress, keep at it" to "eh, w/e, do what you can".  Teams have been wrecked, months of work getting and leveling and gearing champs has been flushed down the drain.  We just don't care anymore.  That, combined with the ongoing flop that is siege, has really crushed morale.

Some notes:

1) Necks need far more HP - seriously, it's far too easy to kill them and pop a fresh head now, there's almost no point to do it, as that only makes the fight harder

2) Ally attacks lost a lot of value - again, lots of people built champions for this, now they're not nearly as useful

3) Serpent's Will is horrid now - make it so it's only on one head at a time or something.  It's way too hard to try to get new heads to pop at the exact same time to limit it

4) Damage has gone way down, but the requirements for chests has remained the same.  Again, this is punishing for anyone who's not endgame or a whale/kraken

5) This is for siege - get rid of repair costs, just have buildings auto rebuild after a matchup is all done.  It's really not a fun mechanic - we can't upgrade anything, because all our money has to go to repairs.

Plarium has made it perfectly clear time and again that they really just HATE players.  It's not that they don't care, nor that they even dislike their players.  They actively HATE the people who play their game.

9 нояб. 2024, 10:1909.11.24

With update, you have literally f--ked Searsha. Losing more interest to play on. But one good thing is changes to Live arena. 

9 нояб. 2024, 18:5109.11.24

This changes are absolutly ridiculous. Before, after using my 3 keys, i was making between 3b and 3,5b... now i make a little more than 1b. I don't have super OP teams, i have a Trunda but i don't have a Yumeko... nevertheless i fell like i am been punished because of the whales teams. I used to like Hydra very much... now it's just a big disappointment. 

10 нояб. 2024, 18:3310.11.24

hey hey .. .how about u fix the bug of "overkill" in clanboss too .. why we need to do more damage ?    just lower the chest requirements to 0 after cb is dead ...  easy fix .. ehh ...   

11 нояб. 2024, 10:5211.11.24

useless update. 40m dmg now 8m. what is your problem with beginners players ?

12 нояб. 2024, 13:3312.11.24

Why even try anymore HYDRA now useless.  Money id raids game they dont care anymore I have numerous accounts and I am ready to QUIT. I lost my clan by letting someone upgrade my main account why he did and then kicked all my accounts out of Clan and raised the lvl to 10 mil to get in so not make my mistake. STOP feeding them money till they stop all stuipid stuff

12 нояб. 2024, 14:0412.11.24

With this changes they made now I do less points, before I was able to get at least sometimes the Normal Chest reward, now is way far. For me is now useless, I just do the battles to get the rewards of the Advance Quests when you request to do this battles.

13 нояб. 2024, 09:0613.11.24


NOW WITH THE NEW OWNERS ;), the game creators / maintainers 

will listen more to the Players 

and FIX THE MESS, left from the previous owners :D 

14 нояб. 2024, 23:2214.11.24

There's always things to fix, make tweaks and changes that alot just don't like or accept. Can't please everyone. 

Florin changes to siege and repairing is welcome. The other changes to it are being abused, not going to point it out, but clans are taking advantage and CHEATING. 

Adding live arena to the advanced quest line is VERY unwelcome. I never liked the Live Arena, and I'm sure many others don't either. Basically just screwed people out of completing the advanced quest line. 

It's hard to balance between end game older players and new players, I get that. The use a rare champ on the demon lord advanced quest is quite bothersome later on.

Hope this helps some. Good luck on the hydra changes, should be fun.