Все Категории

The Incarnate's Fusion Event

The Incarnate's Fusion Event

A new Fusion challenge is here! The Incarnate - a brand-new Legendary High Elf - is available via Fusion from June 6 until June 19. To get her, you will need to fuse the Epic Void Champion Slixus Stripehide four times.


The Incarnate

Rarity: Legendary

Type: DEF

Affinity: Force

Faction: High Elves

If you're interested in discovering more of The Incarnate's backstory, check out her Champion Lore in-game.

To summon all the Slixus Stripehides needed to fuse The Incarnate, you will need to collect 400 Fragments from special Events and Tournaments. You will be able to earn all the necessary Fragments in these Events and Tournaments. However, there will also be a special additional Summon Rush from June 11 till June 13 where you can earn an extra 50 Fragments. During this special Summon Rush event, you can also earn 100% more Event Points than usual when summoning Champions from Ancient and Primal Shards, so don't miss out!

Here's how many Fragments are available from each Event and Tournament:


[Summon Rush: June 7-10]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Champion Training Event: June 15-19]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Dungeon Divers Event I: June 6-10]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Dungeon Divers Event II: June 11-14]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Dungeon Divers Event III: June 15-18]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Artifact Enhancement Event I: June 8-11]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Artifact Enhancement Event II: June 12-15]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Artifact Enhancement Event III: June 16-19]

- Slixus Stripehide x25


[Champion Chase Tournament: June 14-17]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Champion Training Tournament: June 9-13]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Dragon Tournament: June 13-16]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Ice Golem Tournament: June 9-12]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Fire Knight Tournament: June 6-9]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Spider Tournament: June 16-19]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Classic Arena Takedown I: June 7-10]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

[Classic Arena Takedown II: June 16-19]

- Slixus Stripehide x25

Note: Events and Tournaments start and finish for everyone at the same in-game time. Make sure you plan accordingly: check the Events or Tournaments window to see exactly what time an Event or Tournament ends in your local timezone.

Also, we're launching the Incarnate Fusion Pack in the Shop on June 6 to help you kickstart your Fusion progress!

Happy summoning!

6 июнь 2024, 11:2406.06.24
12 июнь 2024, 13:2912.06.24


15 июнь 2024, 18:5415.06.24

This schedule is wrong. It says there are only 400 fragments and there were more. I didn't do some events and tournaments so I wouldn't waste resources because I wouldn't be able to complete it. and now there are more opportunities to earn fragments in a not so difficult way. Fix the schedule next time please 😢

18 июнь 2024, 11:2618.06.24

일정을 맞추다 실패한 사람들을 위한 부활기회를 주세요

18 июнь 2024, 17:3518.06.24

This schedule is wrong. It says there are only 400 fragments and there were more. I didn't do some events and tournaments so I wouldn't waste resources because I wouldn't be able to complete it. and now there are more opportunities to earn fragments in a not so difficult way. Fix the schedule next time please 😢

It's not wrong... The calendar states there are 50 bonus fragments, 450 total. Look closely.

20 июнь 2024, 09:3620.06.24

It would be nice if there was a short sale of Slixus fragments for the new players who couldn't manage to get all 400 needed.

I'm 50 short 😭

Just couldn't get deep enough into the Spiders den to get enough points, while trying to train champions and upgrade artifacts at the same time.