2024 started big, and we want to keep the good stuff coming! Update 8.20 brings with it a new type of skill, some important quality-of-life updates and of course - cool Champions. Check out our Update 8.20 Sneak Peek to see what’s coming next!
When does the patch drop?
All I wanted to know was that also. Guess I'll still be checking angar each day in the index. Been doing that for a week. He still ain't changed.
But damn it all instead of checking the index for a champ I don't have. Sure would of been cool if I was able to just open My champion roster and look at fortus to see if he's been changed yet. But since "increased his multipliers" isn't even something we see in game as players. Guess I'll be looking at the other champ angar for his changes.
(Assuming that when he gets his change for a chance for 2turn provoke and 90% Dec atk, that'll mean all changes are live)