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RAID Digest (06.10.23)

RAID Digest (06.10.23)

Hey, Raiders! RAID received quite a few new pieces of content recently, so in the near future, we would like to focus more on improving your experience with already released features. Without further ado, let’s unveil some details of the upcoming update in today’s Digest.

Clan vs. Clan Tournament Improvements

To make CvC Tournaments a bit more fair competition, we decided to introduce the following updates to the feature:

  • Clan vs. Clan matchmaking will start counting Clans’ points as a sum of individual players’ CvC points currently in the Clan so that entering and leaving a Clan for the sake of facing a less challenging Clan opponent and Tier manipulation will be less of an option;
  • Clan leaders will be able to set the minimum point requirement to collect CvC rewards to ensure that only clan-mates who actively contribute to victory get properly rewarded and no by-passer may reap the undeserved benefits. Clan leaders may leave the default requirement of 1000 points if they prefer to do so. The decision is completely up to the Clan leader, so we hope you entrusted power to the right person.

Note: we recommend changing the point requirement well in advance before CvC teaser so that your Clan-mates know the challenge they are about to face.

Please keep in mind that the forthcoming installation of the CvC Tournament (10-12 October) will function according to the old rules. By the way, it will also feature Personal rewards. The specified changes will apply to CvC Tournaments following the upcoming one.

Other Upcoming Changes

We are preparing several quality-of-life optimizations, including the possibility of turning off the pop-up that appears in the Tavern when disposing of Champions that participate in Fusions. Please note that this option is set for each Champion individually. More QoL changes are coming.

On top of that, the next version will bring some of the earlier announced tweaks, like the fix of the Emic Trunkheart’s Passive skill and the accelerated animation of the Shamael’s A2. 

On this note, this Digest is coming to an end, as well as the era of dominance of some undead person who bullied Hydra with ludicrously high amounts of damage long enough. But more info about the technicalities of that change is coming next week. Stay tuned.

Have a fabulous weekend. See you in two weeks’ time! 

6 окт. 2023, 14:5506.10.23
6 окт. 2023, 16:0006.10.23
9 окт. 2023, 07:09(отредактировано)

I love this: "We are preparing several quality-of-life optimizations" type of improvements, but PLARIUM!!!

Please do some real QOL optimization and not to some stuff which I personally have not seen anywhere in the game.

PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE... FIX THE BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD medals cost for Life Arena - area bonuses, adjustments similar to the Classic Arena affinity bonuses.

It is rediculos to have same amount of bronze, silver and gold medals cost for basic, medium and higher level bonuses like: having 300 bronze medals for 4% ignore defence and same amount of silver/gold medals for the very same 4% ignore defence upgrade, it just does not make sense... :/

6 окт. 2023, 16:2306.10.23
6 окт. 2023, 16:24(отредактировано)

Sujet : Amélioration de l'Équilibre des Récompenses dans Raid: Shadow Legends

Chers Développeurs de Raid: Shadow Legends,

Tout d'abord, nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde gratitude pour avoir créé un jeu aussi captivant et riche en contenu. Raid: Shadow Legends est devenu un véritable phénomène, et nous sommes fiers de faire partie de cette communauté dévouée.

Cependant, nous souhaitons discuter d'une question qui nous tient à cœur, celle de l'équilibre des récompenses et de l'accessibilité du jeu pour l'ensemble des joueurs, y compris ceux qui préfèrent le mode "farm to win" plutôt que de faire des achats in-game.

Nous reconnaissons que les achats in-game sont un élément essentiel du modèle économique du jeu et qu'ils soutiennent son développement continu. Cependant, nous croyons qu'il est possible d'améliorer l'équilibre pour que les joueurs actifs et engagés, qui choisissent de ne pas dépenser d'argent, puissent également être récompensés de manière satisfaisante.

Voici quelques idées que nous aimerions vous soumettre pour rendre le jeu plus équitable et gratifiant pour tous :


Récompenses Équitables : Considérez l'introduction de récompenses spéciales pour les joueurs qui investissent du temps et de l'effort dans le jeu. Cela pourrait inclure des ressources rares, des objets cosmétiques exclusifs ou d'autres avantages pour les joueurs qui atteignent des objectifs spécifiques grâce à leur engagement.


Événements et Quêtes Équilibrés : Concevez des événements et des quêtes qui récompensent la persévérance, la stratégie et la progression. Assurez-vous que les récompenses sont proportionnelles à l'effort investi.


Équité Compétitive : Dans les modes de jeu compétitifs, veillez à ce que les joueurs qui ne font pas d'achats in-game aient une chance équitable de réussir grâce à leurs compétences et à leur engagement.


Transparence et Communication : Communiquez de manière transparente les changements apportés aux récompenses pour que la communauté sache à quoi s'attendre et puisse s'adapter.

Nous comprenons que l'équilibrage d'un jeu aussi complexe que Raid: Shadow Legends n'est pas une tâche facile. Cependant, nous sommes convaincus que ces ajustements amélioreront l'expérience de jeu pour une plus grande variété de joueurs et encourageront la rétention à long terme.

Nous sommes ouverts à une discussion plus approfondie sur ce sujet et sommes prêts à collaborer avec vous pour trouver des solutions qui profitent à la fois aux joueurs et au succès continu de Raid: Shadow Legends.

Nous vous remercions pour votre écoute et votre engagement envers une expérience de jeu exceptionnelle.


6 окт. 2023, 16:5906.10.23

any chance you could fix shu zhens a3 - that lady cost me a lot of money and does not work in the manner you advertised.... how can you hot fix nogdar and let a new shiny void champ run broken for a month.....

6 окт. 2023, 17:1706.10.23

new code !!!!

6 окт. 2023, 19:5206.10.23

much needed / good fix :)

7 окт. 2023, 05:0207.10.23
7 окт. 2023, 05:03(отредактировано)

And will all our resources used in building that Undead Person and his cohors be refunded in full? They'd better be, or you will face a player revolt.

Love Raid, loathe Plarium. Please sell it to someone who cares about the players.

11 окт. 2023, 18:0911.10.23

I like the minimum point for CVC to collect awards being able to be set.  It would be nice if you went a step further and made it multiplied by the level of each mileston, so if you left it at 1K, so 1st milestone would be the base, 2nd *2, ..... 10th *10.  Being a retired programmer, it shouldn't be that big of a upgrade and then it would incourage participation past the first base amount.  

OracleCommunity Manager
12 окт. 2023, 11:1812.10.23

any chance you could fix shu zhens a3 - that lady cost me a lot of money and does not work in the manner you advertised.... how can you hot fix nogdar and let a new shiny void champ run broken for a month.....

Hi! We hope to fix her kit with today's update.

OracleCommunity Manager
12 окт. 2023, 11:2312.10.23

I love this: "We are preparing several quality-of-life optimizations" type of improvements, but PLARIUM!!!

Please do some real QOL optimization and not to some stuff which I personally have not seen anywhere in the game.

PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE... FIX THE BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD medals cost for Life Arena - area bonuses, adjustments similar to the Classic Arena affinity bonuses.

It is rediculos to have same amount of bronze, silver and gold medals cost for basic, medium and higher level bonuses like: having 300 bronze medals for 4% ignore defence and same amount of silver/gold medals for the very same 4% ignore defence upgrade, it just does not make sense... :/

Hey! The equal number of the Crests required is a part of the challenge. Getting Crests of higher value is correspondingly more difficult. Exchange of Crests might devalue the achievement of getting higher rank Crests - higher upgrades for Area bonuses are meant to be available for those who achieved higher tiers.

Still, thank you for the feedback, we'll keep it in mind for future updates, where relevant.

16 окт. 2023, 06:5916.10.23
16 окт. 2023, 07:17(отредактировано)

Hello Oracle and thank you for this update.

I guess that I have missed this, somehwere in the Life Arena - bonus schema explanations, but this still feels  a bit like a miss to me, in comparisson with the Classic Arena - affinity bonuses and the balance of their cost.

I totaly agree that higher level bonuses should cost higher amount of medals (crests) and this makes perfect sence. Further more, I also agree that higher level / rank of bonuses should also cost corresponding bronze, silver and gold medals (crests).

What bothers me is that if a 1grade 1level of bonus which costs 100 bronze medals (crests) is evaluated to be of the same  amount of silver or gold medals (crests), which makes this differentiation of medals completely irrelevant and add no value to the bronze, silver and gold crests in the Life Arena. Especially that, luckily, I am now in Silver 3, but UNLUCKILY I just flew over the bronze tier and now my silver crests value will be even more devalued, because 100 silver crests is currently evaluated as same 100 bronze ones for the lower level area bonuses. 

If this "equality" in the weight of bronze, silver and gold crests in the Life Arena was intended, then it would be a lot clearer and easy "to by"  these area bonus costs, by just having same kind of LIVE ARENA CRESTS, and drop this differentiation of bronze, silver and gold crests. 

Just have single type of crests and if you want to keep the Bronze, Silver and Gold - Live Arena tiers, make them to provide different number of these "live arena crests" and that will be it.

The current amounts of crests for each area bonus level is fair enough, but this miss match in the types of crests (medals in the Classic Arena) and their balanse on different tiers and levels still add this feeling that "something is not quite right here". 

Especially if I want to keep my gold crests for higher level bonuses, and if I want to get the corresponding bronze / silver ones for the lower tier bonuses, to need to drop my rank in the Life Arena... that would be an easy miss for me and I would not waste time in the live arena, to jump up and down the tiers so I can get relevant number of bronze, silver and gold crests to get the corresponding area bonus :/

11 дек. 2023, 03:3011.12.23

Please how can i get promo codes?

31 янв. 2024, 02:1631.01.24

I'm a newer player and I have a clan and I have many questions about the game first is I don't understand why the cadaver is so tough what is it I'm missing what's the best way to build my toons to wipe out the clan boss I'm struggling with a lot and don't have any idea on how to play with a maximized team...thank you for your time