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Patch Notes (15.06.2023) Update 7.21

Patch Notes (15.06.2023) Update 7.21

New Tournaments, Artifact Sets and Blessings rebalance, and more!

We are adding a new Event and new Tournaments, rebalancing some of our Artifact Sets and Blessings, as well as implementing some other updates and fixes. Let’s dive into everything coming to Raid with version 7.21.0:

Android 5.0 support termination

First of all, we are sorry to inform you that the game is no longer available for Android 5.0 devices. To those who played RAID on Android 5.0, we suggest the following:

- Use a device with a later Android version, or update your current devices’ OS

- Use an iOS device, or use Plarium Play on Windows/Mac

Blessings Rebalance

Added new stats for Champions with Level 6 Blessings. Also, the SPD stat bonus on Level 6 was increased by 50% for Legendary Blessings and by 25% for Epic and Rare Blessings.

Champion Lore

This update adds another batch of Champion lore to the game, with more coming in future updates. Among this set are Queen Eva, Jetni the Giant, Candraphon and others! If your favorite isn’t here, stay tuned, they may arrive in a future update!

New Event and Tournament

We’ve added a new type of Event to the game, Soulstone Rush! To get great rewards, you need to earn Event Points by summoning Souls from Soulstones. The amount of Points depends on the Soulstone type.

We’re also introducing a new Soul Chase Tournament! Get as many Souls as you can to earn Points, and earn some great rewards!

Turn Attack Tournaments

We have also added a new type of Tournament for the Gear Dungeons and the Sand Devil’s Necropolis. The rules are simple: clear Stages of a certain Dungeon in as few turns as possible. The higher the Stage and the fewer turns you take to complete it, the more Tournament Points you earn.

The minimum possible number of turns is different in each Dungeon: 1 turn in the Spider’s Den and the Sand Devil’s Necropolis, and 3 turns in the Dragon’s Lair, the Fire Knight’s Castle, and the Ice Golem’s Peak.

The maximum possible number of turns for a battle is 1500.

Note that all turns count: both your Champions’ turns and your enemies’ turns.

Gold Medal Chest

Now, after upgrading all Affinity Bonuses at the Great Hall to Level 10, you'll be able to exchange any new and existing Gold Medals you have for Gold Medal Chests. The price for a Gold Medal Chest is 1000 Gold Medals. You can exchange Gold Medals for a Gold Medal Chest once every 48 hours.

The Chest will drop random Charms, as well as Rank 5 or 6 Epic, Legendary, or Mythical Artifacts from the following Artifact sets:

- Divine Life

- Divine Offense

- Divine Critical Rate

- Divine Speed

Artifact Sets Rebalance

We have rebalanced several Artifact Sets, some with minor tweaks and others with larger mechanical changes:


Old version: 4 Set: 35% chance to Counterattack when hit.

New version: 2 Set: 15% chance to Counterattack when hit.



Old version: 4 Set: 45% chance to Counterattack when hit with a Critical Hit.

New version: 4 Set: 45% chance to Counterattack when a debuff is placed on the wearer.



Old version: 4 Set: 75% chance to place 50% Heal Reduction debuff for 2 turns.

New version: 4 Set: 50% chance to place Hex debuff for 2 turns.



Old version: 4 Set: +10% Turn Meter for every 5% HP lost.

New version: 4 Set: +5% Turn Meter for each debuff received.



Old version: 4 Set: 20% bonus Heal.

New version: 4 Set: 20% bonus Heal. Also restores the amount of destroyed HP equal to bonus healing.



Old version: 4 Set: +5% Damage for every 10% HP lost. Stacks up to +25%.

New version: 4 Set: Damage increase depends on Champion's current HP: HP 100%-76% = +10% Damage, HP 75%-51% = +25% Damage, HP 50% or lower = +50% Damage.



Old version: 4 Set: C. DMG +30%. 20% chance to change Weak Hit into Critical Hit.

New version: 4 Set: C. DMG +30%. 50% chance to change Weak Hit to Critical Hit.


Other improvements and battle fixes

  1. Fixed a bug that caused the ‘Your Champion Collection is full’ error message to appear when trying to Awaken a Champion in the Vaults, even if there were free Slots in the Collection.
  2. Fixed a bug that stopped scrolling through the Artifact Sets list in the Forge on PC and Mac.
  3. Fixed a bug that caused the selection of Artifacts for selling to be reset when the Rank & Rarity filter was selected.
  4. Fixed a visual bug that caused the Stage selection interface in the Minotaur’s Labyrinth and the Champion Collection window to be simultaneously visible.
  5. Fixed a bug that caused players to not get Hydra Chests after the end of weekly cycles.
  6. Fixed a bug that caused an error message to appear when trying to claim milestone rewards in Faction Wars.
  7. Fixed a bug that caused players to be stuck in a previously ended Live Arena Battle when trying to enter a new Battle.
  8. Fixed a visual bug in Live Arena that caused the Stone Skin effect bar to display after the buff’s duration had ended.
  9. Fixed a bug that caused Geomancer’s Creeping Petrify skill to not work correctly when Auto-Battling against enemies under [Block Damage] or [Unkillable] buffs.
  10. Fixed a bug that caused the “Kill an enemy Champion on your first turn and win a battle” Challenge Quest to not be completed correctly.
  11. Fixed a visual bug that caused the Classic Arena Tokens icon to disappear in the Team Selection window.
  12. Fixed a visual bug that caused a dead Champion’s empty HP bar to remain visible after being under the Sheep debuff.
  13. Fixed a bug that caused Frost, Daze, Stun, Toxic, Provoke, and Frostbite Artifact Sets to place a debuff once per hit instead of once per skill.
  14. Fixed a visual bug that caused Skeuramis’ Turn Meter to not fill after using their Effortless Superiority skill.
  15. Shortened the animation of Rector Drath’s Master of Ghosts [P] skill.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! Don’t forget to let us know what you think of these changes.

15 июнь 2023, 13:3615.06.23
15 июнь 2023, 14:0315.06.23

When soulstone summon rush / soulstone soul chase are part of fusions it will be time to quit the game.

Since it far to hard to get soulstones in the game

15 июнь 2023, 14:1915.06.23

En français svp merci 

15 июнь 2023, 14:2415.06.23

I'm not sure If I understand Soul Chase Tournament, does it mean to buy souls for souls essence? 

15 июнь 2023, 14:3515.06.23

I had 3 stones and now they're gone. WTF?

15 июнь 2023, 14:5815.06.23

No changes to CB drops? I haven't seen a BOOK drop from CB NM and UNM in 40 days now.

15 июнь 2023, 15:0315.06.23

Need larger armour capacity

15 июнь 2023, 15:1715.06.23

Thanks for destroying the frenzy set and wasting all the work I did on Conellia so I can finally beat bommal. Back to the drawing board...

15 июнь 2023, 15:2715.06.23

Sinceramente y viendo juegos más humildes que lo incorporan, no se porque no poneis un traductor para que todos nos enteremos mejor de los cambios. Un saludo

15 июнь 2023, 15:2915.06.23

When can we get more inventory space? And Esc button support for all Tournament and Event pages? Let us buy inventory space like champion space. You can't keep adding sets and not increase inventory space.

15 июнь 2023, 15:2915.06.23

Keys only for Iron Twins plz

15 июнь 2023, 15:4115.06.23

Why mess with Frenzy set you c****

15 июнь 2023, 15:4215.06.23

Ok so i'm not insane. Cursed did originally have heals reduction that's good to know. 

I also had no idea there was a higher tier artifact above legendary.

Now that you've throughly thrown me off by getting heals reduction booted can you please make wretch's heals reduction 100% max ability upgrade? (25-50% chance of being placed) I can't even with the fact ultimate deathknight is still op. And I still need heals reduction for spirit keep (Wretch has zero damage tolerance toward spirit type charaters because of his Affinity) also wretch's leader stat bonus being just force is annoying especially sense I made him 5 star op with cruel set level 45 can deal 10,000 damage on a good hit. Kindly, I believe that single-soul affinity bonuses are annoying and I believe should be replaced with either campaign,arena , or all battles. And no, I did not see his lore updated yet. 

Glad you've finally nerfed retaliation and buffed curing. Not sure about other artifact sets especially if debuff artifacts sets can't stack with Abilities stats. At least make the debuffs placed by the sets hard to resist. I Feel bad now for spamming resistance sets when I was new to the game. 

Also remind me what hex does again I can't remembe. 

15 июнь 2023, 15:4315.06.23

F Frenzy

15 июнь 2023, 15:4515.06.23

Seriously Plarium. You add Sand devil, iron twins, more and more farming Required, our max energy is STILL only 129? Like that needs to be at least double or tripled with everything that's been added And amount of farming required. Rediculous iron twins even needs energy. And now you add soul stone events, when they are incredibly hard to get. Need far better rewards for iron twins and more chances to actually get comolete stones. Also there HAS TO HAVE BEEN A MASSIVE NERF to Clan boss rewards. Used to get lots of shards, I haven't seen a sacred shard from clan boss in at least 3 weeks. I hit UNM, NM, Brutal and hard every day. And I'm lucky if I come away with 2-3 ancients With a very rare void occasionally. I understand Plarium needs to make money, but it's getting rediculous how they are catering to whales and Krakens with all these changes and mid to free players get absolutely nothing. 

15 июнь 2023, 16:0515.06.23

also, this free gear removal cost is a joke. ITS OUR GEAR, we already have it, why should it cost me silver to move it around. Give us a select button for each champion, where you can have two or three seperate builds, gear, masteries etc. and just hit the button to switch between and it automatically. 

15 июнь 2023, 16:5615.06.23

Revert the change to the Frenzy set. You made it worse! 

15 июнь 2023, 16:5915.06.23

I like how retaliation was made into a 2-piece set! As an early-mid game player, my biggest issue is running out of energy. The new events you have planned, like soulstone rush in particular, is going to encourage the purchase of more packs (and thus more money for Plarium)....there is a lot of unhappiness in the community about in-game availability of soulstones. I think it would be fair to ask you to please increase our energy threshold to balance all that you are asking of us. 

If you give away more free energy, that will be more time that players spend in-game...it actually makes financial sense for *Plarium*! There are so many tournaments....especially to earn featured champion fragments....there are already PLENTY of avenues for  Plarium to make money. Please give us players who love RSL the opportunity to play MORE...it will go over REALLY WELL with ALL of us, and it is a WIN-WIN for everyone!

15 июнь 2023, 16:5915.06.23

Since you're forcing Altar of Souls activities on us, please provide a better explanation of how to use it. It's complicated and confusing.

15 июнь 2023, 17:1315.06.23

Why can I not manage to download promo codes on my iPad, seem to be missing out on things?

15 июнь 2023, 17:1415.06.23
15 июнь 2023, 18:55(отредактировано)

Just fully maxed a fourth character and set in frenzy that relies on the main nature of the set - speed for damage, obviously the change screws up royally all strats based on those characters in those positions - seeker for go second, lots of others. Bad, bad, bad. Makes my quit game meter go up a few more clicks. Don't radically change a set fundamentally that many players have had time to build into integrated strats. Will we see defense sets freeze now and offense sets reduce the opponent's atk instead ? Having Plarium fundamentally change the nature of a set that has been around long enough for many players to rely on it and build teams based on it makes my game quit meter go up a few clicks, and my willingness to buy stuff in the game that can't be relied on to stay relatively stable in effect, go down a few clicks.