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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Hey there, Raiders!


The time has almost come to leave 2022 behind and step into what awaits us in 2023. It may have been a challenging year, but light can be found even in the darkest of times. With your constant support and encouragement, we’ve come out of it stronger, with an appreciation of what really matters! Thank you for staying with us side by side; for your swords, your bows, and your axes.

Our community and the world of Teleria has grown in this last year, from terrifying new Bosses and a mysterious new Faction to a certain skeleton going on a truly Legendary journey of self-discovery. In 2023, the world of Raid is set to get even bigger. We’ve got our biggest ever updates for PvP planned, more impressive Champions than ever before, and plenty of surprises for all you dedicated lore scholars out there! 

Whatever challenges 2023 has in store, we’re prepared to face them head-on and deliver the best content we can for all Raid fans and players. Raid simply wouldn’t be the same without you. So, from all of us here at Plarium, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! 

Before we sign off, we hear Sir Nicholas has been hard at work delivering Yuletide presents to all the good Summoners across Teleria, so don’t forget to check what’s awaiting under the tree this year.

Here’s to 2023 - let’s make it a good one. Happy Raiding!

24 дек. 2022, 13:0024.12.22
25 дек. 2022, 04:0025.12.22

Thanks for the gifts!

25 дек. 2022, 14:1925.12.22

Hello I am 91 level in game and I am not getting free sacred shards or anything? um92039678 | 89189258 , this is my ID and I can't figure out how to get that free christmas gift...

25 дек. 2022, 21:3225.12.22
25 дек. 2022, 21:33(отредактировано)

Erm, the free present never showed up for me - I stayed logged in the entirety of the 24th, but it never showed up in the shop. Did i miss out?

Thinking about it, I also don't think I've recieved the various "small packs" that contain some silver, 2 charms, and 1 other item past several days either.

26 дек. 2022, 13:5026.12.22

same here

27 дек. 2022, 14:5927.12.22

Tante belle parole, ma restano parole. Potevi agevolare l'evocazione (la rendi più difficile e solo a portata di denaro di chi spende) i giocatori avanti col gioco con 1 o 2 eroi legendari in più non gli cambia il gioco, ma chi è all'inizio gli da una spinta non indifferente. Molti nuovi giocatori arrivano ma molti abbandonano, il che significa che qualcosa non funziona... Contento tu, contenti tutti. Auguri 


Many beautiful words, but they remain words. You could have made the summoning easier (you make it more difficult and only within the money reach of those who spend) the players advanced with the game with 1 or 2 more legendary heroes does not change the game, but whoever is at the beginning gives him a boost does not indifferent. Many new players arrive but many leave, which means that something is not working... Happy you, happy everyone. 

Best wishes

29 дек. 2022, 01:1629.12.22

i just got into the game and enjoy it but realize i didnt get the free christmas gifts, i stayed on the entire 24th and half of the 25th but didnt get anything, also i sent a referral code to my girlfriend and it didnt go through and i searched it up why and it said it was most likely invalid but it didnt tell me that and then it said i need to create my own referral code but it doesnt show me where i could make one and i couldnt create one nor have my girlfriend put in her code so i didnt end up getting my gifts, she just started a couple days ago and is a now a level 17, those gifts couldve really helped me out since i just started, my ID is um115187646 | 110691949 , Facebook ID 11183698204478 , my girlfriends ID is um125108590 | 120286003 , help me if you can, wonder why i cant play with friends as well though

29 дек. 2022, 04:2229.12.22

hello and merry christmas and new year to all raiders. Well done by you plarium surprises, we love it. I'd be lying if I said I hated more referrals back, shame. now you have so many cools that need to be leveled up, does anyone have a helping hand for some of it now. but may you have a good time in the new year friends or nice enemies hehe 🎁🎄🌟

3 янв. 2023, 10:5203.01.23

I know this is completely unconnected but can anyone tell me how to report a bug ... support (if you can call it that ) in the game simply says hit the “report bug button “ but I cannot find a bug button or contact or any other way to get it reported... I even tried support here but it goes to a blank page .. help please 

19 янв. 2023, 12:2919.01.23
23 янв. 2023, 20:13(отредактировано)

Thanks for the update.I want to write an essay but don't know where to begin. I found a website https://writinguniverse.com/knowledge-base/ on the internet that helped me finish my essay on time. If you want to write an essay, you should check out this website.