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Patch Notes (04.08.21) Update 4.50

Patch Notes (04.08.21) Update 4.50

New Clan Features, Doom Tower Champions, and more!


This update brings Clan Improvements, a bigger Champion Collection, new Daily Login Rewards, and many other fixes and changes. Here’s the list of everything:

Clan Level, Clan Quests, Clan Benefits, and the Clan Shop.

Clan Levels & Benefits. All Clans now have Levels and give game-boosting Benefits to Clan Members. The higher the Clan’s Level, the bigger and better the Benefits. Each Clan Member will receive the following Benefits just for being in a Clan:

- Extra Campaign Silver. This increases the amount of Silver each member gets from farming Campaign stages.

- Extra Multi-Battle Attempts in the Dungeons and the Campaign.

- Increased Number of Clan Shop Slots. This unlocks access to additional Items in the Clan Shop.

- Increased Number of Clan Quests per week.

Clans earn Clan XP and level up as their Members complete Clan activities - such as Clan Quests and Clan Achievements. There are 20 Clan Levels. Clans that have already completed some Achievements will have already earned some Clan XP and may already be higher than Clan Level 1 when this feature goes live.

Note: Clan XP is tied to the Clan, so you won’t take it with you if you leave or get removed from a Clan, and the Clan won’t lose any Clan XP.

Clan Quests. Every week, your Clan will get a number of special missions to complete. They come in three levels of difficulty: Basic, Expert, and Elite. Elite Quests unlock at Clan Level 5, but Basic and Expert Clan Quests are available right away.

To start working on a Quest, a Clan Member has to decide to take it. Once a Clan Member takes a Quest, no one else can attempt that Quest that week. Coordinate with your Clan Members, and only grab the Quests you know you can complete.

Clan Quests refresh every Tuesday at 08:00 UTC. Each Clan Member can only take up to 3 Clan Quests per week, and progress for all Quests is tracked simultaneously. The Clan Quests tab will show a player’s name and avatar next to any Quests they’ve taken.

The higher your Clan's Level, the more Quests it will have available every week. Quests on offer will be spread evenly between Basic, Expert, and (once unlocked) Elite levels of difficulty.

Every 30 Clan Quests your Clan completes will earn the Clan some Clan XP. You'll also get Clan Gold for completing each Quest, which can be spent in the Clan Shop.

Clan Shop. The Clan Shop is where Clan Members can exchange Clan Gold for Items. The Clan Shop starts with 4 item Slots, but can expand all the way up to 12 Slots in total. Each Slot has its own pool of Items, and every week, each Slot will roll something new.

The Items in each Slot will be the same for every Clan. Higher Level Clans will just have access to more Items due to having more Slots unlocked.

The Clan Shop refreshes around the same time as Clan Quests (with a slight delay).

There’s a lot of new Clan content - so get together with your Clan, explore the new features, and start reaping the rewards. Now, onto the rest...

New Doom Tower Fragment Champions.

We’ve added 6 more Champions that can be obtained from Champion Fragments found in Secret Rooms in the Doom Tower. Here they are:

Normal Difficulty:


  • Rarity: Epic
  • Type: Attack
  • Affinity: Void
  • Faction: Shadowkin

Dark Kael

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Type: Attack
  • Affinity: Magic
  • Faction: Dark Elves


  • Rarity: Epic
  • Type: Attack
  • Affinity: Magic
  • Faction: Dark Elves

Hard Difficulty:

Varl the Destroyer

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Type: Attack
  • Affinity: Spirit
  • Faction: Orcs

Ba Satha

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Type: HP
  • Affinity: Magic
  • Faction: Lizardmen

Vasal of the Seal

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Type: HP
  • Affinity: Force
  • Faction: Demonspawn

Note: these Champions can’t be summoned from Shards and are only available in the Doom Tower.

Daily Login Rewards changes.

We’ve added Champion Fragments to the final 30-Day repeating stage of the Login Rewards program (Days 271+) and swapped another reward around. The first Fragments will be for Cleopterix, and will switch out for another Champion after you’ve managed to collect all of Cleopterix’s Fragments. Note: this Champion will not drop from Sacred Shards. Here are the changes:

- Day 10: 300 Energy → Champion Fragments

- Day 25: Rank 5 Chicken → 300 Energy

- Day 30: Sacred Shard → Champion Fragments.

For those who are already in the final 30-Day stage of the Login Rewards program, your rewards will be updated for the next cycle after you collect your final reward (Sacred Shard) in the current one.

Game Experience Enhancements

- Increased the maximum number of Slots in your Champion Collection and Inbox from 300 to 400.

- Added an option to sell Artifacts and Accessories from the Multi-Battle result window.

- Rebalanced some Arena and Artifact-related Progress Missions to make them a little more accessible and easier to complete.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in selling similar Artifacts from the inbox when trying to sell Artifacts after opening a Classic Arena Chest.

- Fixed an error that occurred when opening up the Saved Teams & Skill Instructions Guide.

- The Go button in Progress Missions when you need to beat a certain Boss Stage will now lead to that exact Stage.

- Disabled hotkeys when changing a Saved Team name on Plarium Play.

- Disabled the ability to scroll during the Saved Teams feature tutorial due to it causing the tutorial to freeze.

- Fixed a bug that caused Multi-Battle attempts from Multi-Battle items to disappear after purchasing a Raid Card.

- Fixed an error that occurred if there was an apostrophe in a Saved Team name.

- Fixed a bug that allowed you to equip an Accessory from the wrong Faction when using the Fitting Room.

Champion and battle fixes

- Changed the Decrease C. DMG debuff to be a percentage reduction of the stat, rather than a flat number.

- The value of Shield buffs on Rotos the Lost Groom will be taken into account when his Spurn Oblivion Passive skill triggers.

- Fixed a bug that caused the popup that was supposed to warn you before you sacrifice a Common or Uncommon Champion used in a Saved Team to be shown after sacrificing in certain cases.

- Fixed a bug that caused Lyssandra’s Transference skill to transfer debuffs received from Krisk the Ageless’ Might of Ages Passive skill even after Lyssandra finished attacking.

- Skill Instructions now work as intended in Multi-Battle mode.

- Zavia no longer uses her Deadly Catalyst skill on the Clan Boss on Auto.

- Fixed an issue that caused Bosses to block self-placed debuffs (such as the Sleep debuff that should be placed by the “Protector” Crypt Keeper’s Reconstruct skill)

That’s everything we’ve got for you! We’re excited to hear what you think, so don’t forget to head on over to our forums to let us know what you think of these changes. 

4 авг. 2021, 12:3204.08.21
4 авг. 2021, 12:4404.08.21

Why were the new champions not added to the game?

Why do clan quests suck so much? 

4 авг. 2021, 12:4604.08.21

its said that 30 Clan Quests will be available on lvl 1-4, but it's only 20 are available. Is it a bug or what?

4 авг. 2021, 12:5704.08.21
4 авг. 2021, 12:58(отредактировано)

So, let me get this straight.... you're taking away our best daily login rewards?! Not ok!

- Day 25: Rank 5 Chicken → 300 Energy

- Day 30: Sacred Shard → Champion Fragments. 

4 авг. 2021, 12:5904.08.21

After so many disagree, you choose the worst lego =)). Valkyrie or Khoronar but you said no. Very well, Pla 4 - Player 0.

4 авг. 2021, 13:0204.08.21

The community gave a fairly collective "DO NOT TAKE THE CHICKEN AND SHARD" and plarium just said 'nah we think you're getting too much, here's a mediocre legendary'

4 авг. 2021, 13:0804.08.21

Good job with the new daily login rewards they are really something LMAO. Seriously though I see it's free rewards but it is a big difference to get this change after we were told this was going to be permanent when you first set it up

4 авг. 2021, 13:0804.08.21

Just here to echo what others have said. These "features" and updates just keep pushing people away. Way to go antagonizing your community that has been trying to support this game for so long.

4 авг. 2021, 13:1304.08.21

I can't update the game on M1 macs. Pls fix it!!

4 авг. 2021, 13:1404.08.21

Playerbase: We don't like this proposed change how about (alternative)

Plarium : Give us your money

Playerbase: OK can we try (alternative) instead

Plarium : Give us your money 

Repeat until playerbase quits

This "game" is the most bizzare social experiment, its almost abusive at this point

4 авг. 2021, 13:1604.08.21

the clan gold should go to everyone in the clan.  the clan features are supposed to promote teamwork not pit members against each other.  already i have 2 clan mates that took 3 quests each and we only have 20 quests.  This leaves only 14 for the other 28 members.  FIX THIS!

4 авг. 2021, 13:1904.08.21
4 авг. 2021, 13:52(отредактировано)

so.... there is not a single lvl5 clan in the whole game right now, not a single one of them can get elite clan quests this week because they are missing like 300 exp to rank up to lvl 5. you can get 500 exp if you clear 30 clan quests but you are unable to obtain more than 20 before your clan reaches lvl 5. its impossible to get elite quests during the first week your new game feature launches, its embarrassing.

Edited by a community-manager

4 авг. 2021, 13:2004.08.21
4 авг. 2021, 14:26(отредактировано)

Thanks for the work you've put in for these features.

I take issue with the clan quests in there current form.

1) It requires more work for clan leaders who need to coordinate quests and most importantly need to manage additional conflict as people compete for the 'nice' quests.

2) The nature of the clan gold rewards means that we have intra-clan competition (that does not generally add to the game in a meaningful way).

Please for the love of all good things, revise this.

Ideally this content should be pulling people in clans together, not pushing them apart / pushing people who lead clans to move on.

Edited by a community-manager

4 авг. 2021, 13:2204.08.21

so when supposedly is the clan quest supposed to start and where can i find it at???

4 авг. 2021, 13:2404.08.21

Clan quests are a gigantic letdown. It's basically the same thing as advanced quests, only even more specific; go there and farm/ go there and do this "X" times (on your own, these aren't even quests you can do in commun, just that would've been cool...). Some of these quests (in elite difficulty in particular) also look completely unreasonable: completing dungeons with teams of full rares... We're already upgrading a bunch of rares for your secret rooms; it's already enough; if they were the list bit decent it wouldn't be an issue, but most of them are awful, and we don't play this game to upgrade awfull stuff.

The dt champs, why not, we'll see over time; but being able to select the next champion we want to unlock with fragments from the doom tower would be a nice addition.

Login rewards.... Honestly I'm not against it, but the way you're implementing this is very surprising: after 2+ years, how is it possible that you still didn't get that forcing stuff like this on people is never the good way to go...

And finally QoL and fixes, decent stuff as always, but what's the point of having a nice seasoning when the whole dish sucks from the start?

Very disappointing.

4 авг. 2021, 13:2704.08.21
4 авг. 2021, 13:27(отредактировано)

We can't echo enough Shard and Chicken removal from the Daily rewards is the simply the cruelest thing you've done besides allow a dupe Bushi pull on a sacred...

Crap Champs happen on a pull, we don't have / or want to wait through months of pulling fragments to get one and hope the next one is better.

Give us our shard back.

4 авг. 2021, 13:3204.08.21

Thanks for the work you've put in for these features.

I take issue with the clan quests in there current form.

1) It requires more work for clan leaders who need to coordinate quests and most importantly need to manage additional conflict as people compete for the 'nice' quests.

2) The nature of the clan gold rewards means that we have intra-clan competition (that does not generally add to the game in a meaningful way).

Please for the love of all good things, revise this.

Ideally this content should be pulling people in clans together, not pushing them apart / pushing people who lead clans to move on.

Edited by a community-manager

Well said! 

4 авг. 2021, 13:3404.08.21

Thanks for the work you've put in for these features.

I take issue with the clan quests in there current form.

1) It requires more work for clan leaders who need to coordinate quests and most importantly need to manage additional conflict as people compete for the 'nice' quests.

2) The nature of the clan gold rewards means that we have intra-clan competition (that does not generally add to the game in a meaningful way).

Please for the love of all good things, revise this.

Ideally this content should be pulling people in clans together, not pushing them apart / pushing people who lead clans to move on.

Edited by a community-manager

Absolutely agree with this. Why does clan gold go only to the player who completed the quest? This is a condition that will create huge problems within clans, including at lvl 20 when everybody can claim 3 quests.

I guess the solution would be to spread the gold among all clan members, regardless of who completed the quest.

4 авг. 2021, 13:4004.08.21

So after you got the most massive negative feedback on your plans to change the daily login rewards, you are just ignoring this feedback....even if you announce you listen to the community....

Very bad style

4 авг. 2021, 13:4404.08.21

I recommend undoing this entire patch.  Noone wants "ANY" of these changes.

4 авг. 2021, 13:4704.08.21
4 авг. 2021, 13:48(отредактировано)

There's still time to save from an exodus of veteran players. Please consider keeping the Sacred Shard and 5* chicken in the login rewards. It's just a terrible decision.