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Untamed LeegionUntamed Leegion

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Untamed Leegion

14 сент. 2022, 22:2914.09.22

Untamed Leegion

Untamed Leegion is recruiting!

We are an experienced cluster ranging from Easy to UNM difficulties, we
promote a relaxed atmosphere within our ranking structure. We are
looking for passionate, knowledgable or players willing to learn with
us to join our ranks.

We have dedicated members that have the knowledge to help out our
members which cover most aspects of the game.

If this sounds Raidtastic make the first step to making your destiny
within Raid.

Read our REQUIREMENTS below and then apply via discord: https://discord.gg/cakMFG9hvS

# Discord is required, minimal use for coordination is necessary - participation is encouraged.
# A minimum of 2 CB keys per day
# Absent for 3 days without notice results in a warning, 5 days results in dismissal
# Have FUN and be ACTIVE

Our Roster is below, showing how many spaces we have free at current.

  • [UL•1] Untamed Vengeance |LV14| UNM/NM/BRUTAL | 200k+ CvC | Normal/Hard Hydra - (27/30)
  • [UL•2] Untamed Chaos |LV14| UNM/NM/BRUTAL | 180k CvC | Normal Hydra (29/30)
  • [UL•3] Untamed Courage |LV13| UNM/NM | Normal Hydra | 80k CvC (30/30)
  • [UL•4] Untamed Wolves |LV12| UNM/NM | Normal Hydra | 60k CvC (24/30)
  • [UL•5] Untamed Rage |LV11| UNM | Normal Hydra | 20k CvC (22/30)
  • [UL•6] Untamed Glory |LV11| UNM/NM/BRUTAL | 80k CvC (23/30)
  • [UL•7] Untamed Havoc |LV10| NM/BRUTAL | 60k CvC (22/30)
  • [UL•8] Untamed Valor |LV11| BRUTAL/NM | 20k CvC (26/30)
  • [UL•9] Untamed Potential |LV10| HARD/BRUTAL | 20k CvC (29/30)
  • [UL10] Untamed Opportunity |LV4| NORMAL/EASY | Relaxed CvC (17/30)
