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Top 1.5% player, retired whale, looking for casual dudes.

Top 1.5% player, retired whale, looking for casual dudes.

3 май 2022, 21:3303.05.22

Top 1.5% player, retired whale, looking for casual dudes.

Ello Ladies and Gents, 

  American looking for an American clan. Military grade clan rules, not for me. I play a lot, I do what I do, I will help with progression, but it's a game and not a job. I just nmeed to be middle or lower level player in a clan to learn more. My current clan was my day 1 clan and I outr paced them last year. Stuck around too long out of loyalty. 

  I am looking for a place to land, I do prefer to win clasn wars, competition and such. I'm easy enough to get alonmg with, I talk to much, I don't overly care about anyone online, nor do I underly care. I give jusssst the right amount of Eff's to be tolerable and on rare occasion.. likable. 

Wow! With a post like that, I wouldn't ebven hire me. Srsly tho, I'm just playin my game the way I play my game. And I am all about you doin the same. When the clan needs me, I'll be there. 

4 май 2022, 11:1804.05.22

Come join the Treesmokers [G8S] ! We're a casual (lvl 7) clan who also want to win clan wars ;-) but are also a lot about helping each other out and tipping. We actively looking for new members and you are definitely a great addition to the group, we can learn a lot I assume!

We aren't all Americans, but we have a couple, we do all speak English though, which is also our clan language.