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Looking for new Clan (Lvl 11+)

Looking for new Clan (Lvl 11+)

26 апр. 2022, 10:4326.04.22

Looking for new Clan (Lvl 11+)

I was a top 3 permormer in the clan I'm about to leave (Ebonheart - EBHT).  I usually provide 150K to 200k worth of points in every clan wars.  I can 1 key NM and 3 key UNM.  They decided to kick me after the start of Clan Wars and when paying out Clan Boss rewards over a new rule that went into effect today, and I wasn't aware of at the time, regarding the taking of clan quests.  No warning or DM.  Because of this, I am not eligible for this round of Clan Wars and lost my Clan Boss reward.  So I'm a bit salty now.  Send clan invite if you want to add me.

7 май 2022, 19:0207.05.22

hi I saw your post I don't know if your still looking for a clan or not . If you are we have room we are a level 9 clan and are casual as most of us work we are active and try to help each other we dont have alot of rules or requirments. the clan name is shinrinyoku check us out to see if youd be interested and if you have any questions please ask.