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Merger sought

Merger sought

31 янв. 2022, 21:4531.01.22

Merger sought

I'm the Clan Leader of a clan that once was ambitious and growing, but now we don't have enough members to fight in CvC.  

Under the old Clan Leader, we fought CvC in Tier 1 but won more often than lost and were progressing through Nightmare clan boss, aiming to unlock Ultra Nightmare. Unfortunately, he and most of the old guard grew bored of the game and left to find new entertainment, leaving me (newish, breaking into mid game, can 3 Key top chest in Nighmare CB and farming Dragon 20, can auto Ice Golem and Fire Knight on 19 but not quite beating 20,similar with Spider and I can typically reach the 4th or 5th boss in Normal Doom Tower) leading the clan.

We're looking for a like minded clan to merge with, ideally  keeping the Clan with best unlocks for both teams. Our clan is Clan Level 6, and has unlocked Nightmare CB. If you're leading a clan with 9 spaces who has more unlocked than we do, let me know and I'll advise all members in my clan to head over your way.  Alternatively, if you're a clan with <21 members, but fewer unlocks (lower level, not yet unlocked NM CB) and are interested in joining us, look for Hunters of the Shard (H0T5) and join us!

4 фев. 2022, 09:2604.02.22
4 фев. 2022, 10:00(отредактировано)

From one clan lead to another, props to you for looking out for your clan as you try to find a landing spot. We don't have enough for 9. We have 3 immediate spots. We have the rest of what you are looking for: casual, fun, Clan Level 8, 10 trophies, UNM open, Discord available. Give us a look. Clan Hetairoi. [XHTR]

If we look good and you want to join, apply and leave a note with "...from [H0T5]" 

5 фев. 2022, 01:1905.02.22

We got 8 spots right now but filling up.  We had 9 yesterday.  Clan is MNSI. UNM unlocked. Message me if you are interested. 

18 фев. 2022, 05:3018.02.22

We're a level 9 clan  w unm unlocked and can make enough room for 9. Already invited some of your team but wasn't sure which players would be coming. Morningstar bumpkins