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Active player? Mid-level, Late Game? Come join our clan [XHTR]

Active player? Mid-level, Late Game? Come join our clan [XHTR]

23 янв. 2022, 22:4223.01.22

Active player? Mid-level, Late Game? Come join our clan [XHTR]

We are a casual clan that encourages active play. Discord, Clan Chat, UNM, a recent CvC win...we have it all. Log in at least once every 10 days to save your spot on the roster. Can't get much more casual than that! 

Search for XHTR in the Clan/Rankings tab.


  1. No jerks. No drama. No kidding!
  2. Humour. 
  3. Active. Log in at least once every 10 days. Do Dailies. Do CvC for at least 1,000 pts (to get the Clan Awards). 
  4. Player power, 1.25M 450k+ preferred.
  5. Pants, optional.
  6. The rest is in the Discord server.
20 март 2022, 04:0320.03.22

Send me a clan invite if you all decide to recrute again please

28 май 2022, 17:2928.05.22
28 май 2022, 23:02(отредактировано)

Once again, we're back looking for our next clan member. We have one slot open as we actively manage our roster. Please take a look at the original post for our requirements. Drop us a note at [XHTR].  

Why join us?

1. We're casual but active. 

2. We win our fair share of CvCs (when we're not matched against whales or krakens)

3. We farm NM most days. UNM is open. We're working on it slowly, gently. You can be part of the team that helps us knock this boss down.

4. Speaking of whales or krakens, we're not. Most of us are F2P, but we're not going to tell you how you want to spend your gaming $$$. 

5. We are worldwide, so someone is often on regardless of the time of day. Or night. 

Of course, we'd like for you to read the original post where we list our requirements. Basically, it says don't be an arse, have fun, and help others do the same. 

Soo... Are you in??

30 май 2022, 01:1430.05.22

I applied yesterday. I'm right around 300k power. But I'm just about 1 key our current clan boss on hard with a 76k power team. Would love to join up!

23 июль 2022, 03:5223.07.22
6 апр. 2023, 20:57(отредактировано)

Once again, we're back looking for our next clan member. We have 3-4 slots open as we actively manage our roster. Please take a look at the original post for our requirements. Drop us a note at [XHTR].  

A big change since we started recruiting here. The min power is now 1.25M 2.0M 450K to match our lowest player power level. We're also now a lvl 10 clan with 17 CvC wins. Not the highest and certainly not the most powerful but it shows we're making steady progress. And we've had fun doing it. Not bad for a casual, F2P clan. 

Why join us?

1. We're casual but active. 

2. We win our fair share of CvCs (when we're not matched against whales or krakens). We're on a three win streak!

3. We farm NM most days. UNM is open. We're working on it slowly, gently. You can be part of the team that helps us knock this boss down.

4. Speaking of whales or krakens, we're not. Most of us are F2P, but we're not going to tell you how you want to spend your gaming $$$. Just be smart about it.

5. We are worldwide, so someone is often on regardless of the time of day. Or night. 

Of course, we'd like for you to read the original post where we list our requirements. Basically, it says don't be an arse, have fun, and help others do the same. 

Soo... Are you in?? 

13 янв. 2023, 09:5913.01.23
6 фев. 2023, 20:02(отредактировано)

We're still recruiting. We have several spots open for anyone looking for a casual clan. We are Level 11 with 24 25 trophies. We've been around for a while now and we continue to look for others like us who enjoy playing the game without drama.  If you scroll through the thread, you can see what we're looking for and what we're about.  

Find us through the Clan Search button. We're growing our roster to be more consistent with CBs and CvCs. If you are at least mid-game and active with 2.0M power, look for [XHTR]. 

6 апр. 2023, 20:5606.04.23

Bumping up as we are once again recruiting new members. Three slots open. Level 12 clan with 27 trophies. Not too bad for a f2P clan. We hold our own and are having fun while doing so. Come join us. 

7 апр. 2023, 07:5507.04.23

Dear Greyhawk, I would entry, if allowed !


15 апр. 2023, 22:1915.04.23


I started about 95 days ago. Leveling and growing fast. Mature and very active player.

Power 1.4 mil. I do CB every single day, without waste any key.

still have a lot of things to raise /develop on my cur heroes.

I am in a decent clan since i started game, but i feel it,s time to move on.

Let me know if you think i can fit in your clan.

Thanks !