Player 1244534832 апр. 2023, 04:2702.04.2329.03.233I'm looking for a clanLet me know if I can join your clan. I'm level 28
Plax_x3 апр. 2023, 21:1203.04.2325.07.222if you play daily - you can check us out at Chicken Hunters should be open invitation
Player 1244534833 апр. 2023, 22:4003.04.2329.03.233Plax_xif you play daily - you can check us out at Chicken Hunters should be open invitationI play a lot daily. When I leave my clan will the invitation show up?
Plax_x4 апр. 2023, 04:1704.04.2325.07.222You can do a search for Chicken Hunters and apply . An invitation will be sent to our clan for us to accept. You can apply while in another clan.
danhbentsen6 апр. 2023, 07:4406.04.2321.04.193Join us at Jousting Oathkeepers. Promocodes and Discord