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Chofly Gaming - more than a clan...it's a community!Chofly Gaming - more than a clan...it's a community!

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Chofly Gaming - more than a clan...it's a community!

24 июнь 2019, 19:0724.06.19

Chofly Gaming - more than a clan...it's a community!

ChoFly Gaming is RECRUITING!

We now have 3 clans to accommodate most play styles and skill levels! ALL 3 have the following requisites:

  • Earn at least 2 clan stars a day
  • 3-4 CB keys per day
  • Active in game
  • Active in Discord
  • Are team oriented

Individual clan requirements:

  1. Chofly Elite [CFE] (officers Zaknaril, Tuginit, or Kodan) - Nightmare - 10m Brutal min CB damage
  2. Chofly Veterans [CFV] (officers Miketavius or froqfunny) - Hard/Brutal - 5m Hard min CB damage
  3. Chofly Academy [CFA] (officers TheValar or Sith Emperor) - Easy/Normal - 1m Easy min CB damage

If you meet these criteria we would love to meet you! Join the Discord below and find the appropriate Officer. Happy Raiding!


25 июнь 2019, 12:4125.06.19

We're looking for HEAVY HITTERS!  Our greatest need is folks who hit brutal CB for 10m or higher.  We're ready to down NM but need a few more active SLUGGERS to help us do it.  Join us on Discord and let's talk!

26 июнь 2019, 10:1526.06.19
Thanks to the extra keys from Plarium Nightmare went DOWN yesterday!  If you want to be part of a clan who has actually cleared Nightmare CB we'd like to hear from you!
27 июнь 2019, 09:3427.06.19

Chofly Elite is clearing brutal daily but we still need a few more dedicated Raiders to clear Nightmare consistently.

Chofly Veterans is clearing hard and brutal daily.

Chofly Academy is clearing easy and normal daily and are working on hard.
28 июнь 2019, 13:1328.06.19

Chofly Elite is 17/30 - we're being very selective on who we bring on board.  10m brutal CB damage is min...more preferred!

Chofly Veterans is 24/30 - they're doing fantastic and clearing brutal no problem.  5m hard CB damage is min but quite frankly most everyone is hitting much harder than that.

Chofly Academy is full, and there is a waiting list - it's a great place to learn and improve your game!

All three clans feed into one another.  If you're in Veterans and begin to hit for more than 10m brutal...you'll be considered for promotion to elite!

Come join our clan community!!

29 июнь 2019, 12:3229.06.19

Our community is 265 strong and growing!  If you're not the hardest hitter yet but you want to take advantage of our knowledge base, expertise, and enjoy the camradery of the fastest growing community in Raid Shadow Legends then stop by our Discord!

Click the link in the OP.  
29 июнь 2019, 13:0329.06.19

I got interested in joining the clan, once I saw how much of a contribution Chofly Mobile's Youtube videos were for my way of approaching Raid: Shadow Legends.

A part from the good content, I was also drawn by the community build up around the playerbase who wish learn from ChosenBrad, and how helpful and respectful everyone are.

I felt the best way to harvest the fruits of my labor, was to contribute it back to the ChoFly clan, and generally the likable thought of being a part of this community.
29 июнь 2019, 13:0429.06.19

I can recommend this clan for everyone. You can see that everyone is reqlly living this game and the clan(s) are on a constant pursuit of improvement. Even though the clan boss is our main goal, theres almost no topic that wasnt already discussed on our discord or the clan chat. The officers are kind and willingly share all their knowledge, even to people from  the outside that just happen to have a quick question on our discord. So feel free to have a look around and maybe even get a place in our little community. 

And yes, ChosenBrad really is as nice as he seems on yt. :)
29 июнь 2019, 13:1629.06.19
This game has a bit more of a learning curve than I anticipated, but thanks to a lucky chance I was allowed into the clan quite sometime ago by ChosenBrad. I've learned much from all the members in our clan. The Discord chat is a great way to receive help from those who are farther along in the game. It has not only lessened the learning curve, but it has made it more enjoyable to traverse. If I had any friends who played this (IRL), I would strongly suggest they join.
29 июнь 2019, 13:2329.06.19
I've only been in the academy clan a few days but I have been watching Chofly on YouTube for about a month or so. I have learned many things while here in the community. I learned how different stats work on each champ for each area. How to build a good farmer for campaign. I even have a few fave champs I have and some I want :) I hope to learn more so I can pass my new knowledge onto other players in the future
29 июнь 2019, 13:5629.06.19
29 июнь 2019, 13:58(отредактировано)
I’m in the Academy clan and it’s been a great experience. Discord where all three clans come together has been very helpful as a sort of mid game tier player like me to ask questions to veteran players about gear and higher level dungeons and clan bosses. Officers are very responsive in Discord. I also like the fact that there are 3 clans to help you grow as a player in game. Did I mention the leader Chofly has a YouTube channel about Raid? Why yes. I would say one of the best if not the best content as far as Raid Shadow Legends goes. Does this starting to sound corny? Maybe. But I say all this because it’s true. If you were lost in a sea of clans where you feel like there’s no progress and there’s no communication, look up our clan and join our Discord. That was me. Now I’m here. :)
29 июнь 2019, 14:3929.06.19
It is honestly great game and having a clan like chofly makes a huge difference I joined recently but since I joined my cb damage has doubled I was struggling to clear normal now m at brutal 12-3 solo food farming even same champs I joined with. So ya they help a lot chofly is awesome so is every other member super helpful u ask 1 question about game and atleast 5-10 experienced players are always ready to respond that’s a huge deal and very helpful team. Instead of reading about it just give us a try m sure u won’t Ever think of leaving 
30 июнь 2019, 03:0130.06.19
Hello RSL players, I’ve been playing with this guild since it’s start. I have seen an amazing level of growth. The leadership is fantastic, and has opened up our community to fantastic heights. The guild is super friendly and knowledgeable. If your looking for a new guild to improve your game, or just looking for a spot to fit in this could be the guilds for you. I’m drbting27 in game, and hope to see some of you soon.
30 июнь 2019, 14:4330.06.19
This community of people within the Chofly clans is great!  Lots of helpful experienced players, a great place for end game, mid game and early game players.  Our officer community is actively involved in helping every team member succeed.  I feel honored to be a part of the team and thankful for the opportunity to lead the Academy team!  Come check us out on discord.  We have places for players who want to grow and participate.
1 июль 2019, 15:0001.07.19
Hopefully I can get leveled up soon so I can join you guys in this great clan! I am only hitting about 3 or 4 mil on hard atm sadly