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Top 30 Ranked Auxiliary looking for 1-2 members!Top 30 Ranked Auxiliary looking for 1-2 members!

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Top 30 Ranked Auxiliary looking for 1-2 members!

11 июнь 2019, 22:4411.06.19

Top 30 Ranked Auxiliary looking for 1-2 members!


Top 30 Clan looking for new members!

We are a team-oriented clan with a focus on promoting growth through resources and communication.


- Achieve 3 stars daily activity

- Use at least 3 clan boss keys per day

- Stay up to date with all clan announcements

- Notify the clan if unable to meet any of the above requirements

We are currently looking for players that do 8 mil+ NM per key. We take down Nightmare & Brutal

If interested please join our discord:


15 июнь 2019, 00:0815.06.19
15 июнь 2019, 00:31(отредактировано)

  • Joining this clan is one of the smartest thing you could do!

  • We have builds, tips, hero rankings and hero info for both, new and experienced players. We have players who have been here from day 1 and know the game and its mechanics inside out, so we have the experience .

  • The staff (clan leader, clan admins, clan helpers) are all super friendly and invest a lot of their time in improving our "Wiki" and communications on a daily basis. ASleazy, Auxiliary admin, is an awesome, very knowledgeable guy, although Shredduh, our clan leader, does't know how to change his profile pic.. 

  • We get 3 star activity on a daily basis, are active in arena, and are able to defeat Nightmare CB (drops legendary tomes and sacred shards).

  • We are all very active (over 90 people, all across the world), hence we have constant idea discussions, 24/7 help with your questions, we won't kick you if you have to be absent for a period of time (as long as you let us know), and, last but not the least, we are just like a big, down to earth family who are just trying to have a good time!

20 июнь 2019, 22:4420.06.19
20 июнь 2019, 22:45(отредактировано)

All three clans currently have spots available!

Auxiliary was ranked at top 20 before rotating members over to 2 for CB help! [Currently ranked around #35 with Auxiliary 2 being around #60!]

Aux1 taking down NM & Brutal looking for 10+ mil per key on NM

Aux2 taking down NM looking for 7mil+ per key on NM

Aux3 taking down Hard and switching over to Brutal very soon looking for 5mil+ on Brutal

Interested in joining the family? Come join our discord!

ps : I have received some direct messages, if you are interested please do join our discord opposed to messaging me on here as I don't check here nearly as often. Our discord has a few different people that can assist with getting you into our family.