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Quantum - Recruiting - Top 500, 3 Star DailyQuantum - Recruiting - Top 500, 3 Star Daily

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Quantum - Recruiting - Top 500, 3 Star Daily

11 июнь 2019, 08:5311.06.19

Quantum - Recruiting - Top 500, 3 Star Daily

Quantum [PC] has room for a few new active players.

About us:

- We're ranked 450 and climbing.

- We have Brutal CB unlocked and are working toward unlocking Nightmare. 

- CB is currently free for all until we have the damage to focus and clear Brutal. 

- We have no minimum requirements, if you're active and progressing we'll help you get to NM CB and Gold IV. 

About you:

- You earn 3 stars daily 

- You communicate in chat at least occasionally, and like to help others when they have questions 

- No minimum level requirements 

- No minimum damage requirements 

- Be active, enjoy the game! 

How to join:

- Apply in game via the clan search 
