Pillagers Clan - Looking to recruit!
Hi all! Looking for players for our top 120 guild.
lvl 50+ ideally, 40+ is fine.
3m+ Damage Per Key on BRUTAL CB is a must.
If interested, we have Discord up https://discord.gg/H8swymk
I started this clan in January, and started at 1600th+. Our top placement so far as a clan was 94th, and are looking to get back to where we were and beyond.
3 rules I have if accepted in the clan.
1. All keys spent on BRUTAL til dead (Until we are ready for nightmare). Once dead, spend keys however you like.
2. Absolute minimum of 2 activity stars daily. If I see consistent 1 stars, and i have not been informed as to a reason, kicked.
3. Kicked if inactive for 3 days without prior notice.
Please jump on in our discord if interested in joining our merry clan, or just wanna hang and chat about the game and your teams.
All the best!