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LFC - VERY active player AscendantGod (88k player power and rising fast)LFC - VERY active player AscendantGod (88k player power and rising fast)

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LFC - VERY active player AscendantGod (88k player power and rising fast)

26 май 2019, 18:1226.05.19

LFC - VERY active player AscendantGod (88k player power and rising fast)

My in-game name is "AscendantGod".  I am VERY active all day long (I play while at work).  No problems getting all 3 stars for daily activity.  And I can wail on the clan boss ALL DAY long.

Looking for a guild with other active members that contribute daily as well.

I have about 88k player power, so I can put in plenty of damage with every single key.

If you want me, send an invite in game.  Please ONLY do so if the majority of your clan's players are active and making modest contributions to boss damage.  Thanks for your consideration. :)  

Trust me, you want me in your guild.  It will be the best decision you ever make in life.  Other people around you will go, "Hey, there goes [your name]!  They are a very wise person who makes extremely good decisions in life, like adding AscendantGod to their clan!  Great head on their shoulders!"  It will be so awesome that you will have dreams about me... A LOT.  You know that song that says "when I think about you, I touch myself"?  You will truly understand and appreciate those lyrics after adding me into your guild.  It is the right decision, the best decision, the ONLY decision.  Adding me is ineluctable. :)

Seriously though, again for invite, my in-game name is "AscendantGod".  Thank you

27 май 2019, 04:0527.05.19
Found one for now, but appreciate the consideration guys. :)