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Questions for Plarium Community ManagerQuestions for Plarium Community Manager

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Questions for Plarium Community Manager

15 май 2019, 16:5115.05.19

Questions for Plarium Community Manager

Hello, and thanks for building a great game!

I'm unsure about the following and would appreciate clarification:

  • When champions are knocked out, do their auras and/or passive abilities continue to apply to the rest of the team?
  • Are you selling the same packs to different players for different prices? 
  • Does your shard summoning algorithm make duplicate draws less probable? What (other) factors go into the likelihood of summoning a legendary?
  • Are there six-star artifacts and accessories available to players?

The first point will inform my team composition. But, as a player that spent around $2,500 USD in the first month, I would find price gouging (especially) unfair. Anecdotally, it seems that I am more likely to summon a legendary champion at night PST. However, I recently spent a couple of hundred dollars and summoned a duplicate Valkyrie, which was very disappointing and nearly motivated me to quit investing money in the game (since mine already has maxed out skills and I can't trade her). Apologies if you answered the fourth point (or others) elsewhere.

Personally, I really want a Belanor, Bad-el-kazar, Norog, Drexthar Bloodtwin.

Looking forward,

