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CLAN: The Loose CannonsCLAN: The Loose Cannons

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CLAN: The Loose Cannons

11 апр. 2019, 15:3811.04.19

CLAN: The Loose Cannons

The Loose Cannons are recruiting!

Clan: The Loose Cannons (TLCS)

A calm and relaxed clan open to all levels. I created this clan to be suitable for everyone. Doesn't matter if you go online all the time or a few times. I understand we may all have a busy life, so for me this clan and game is my escapism.

As this Clan grows in the future, it might go towards being a competitive Clan but for now I don't want to put any pressure on the Clan so time will tell.

Requirements: Open to all levels, must be friendly, helpful and chill. Being social is a bonus!

26 апр. 2019, 08:4026.04.19
We still have a couple of spaces left for those who is still looking for a clan. 
8 май 2019, 13:1308.05.19
8 май 2019, 13:13(отредактировано)
Hate to be that person that bumps an old topic to the top of the page. But we once again have spaces, so feel free to take a look and join if you want. :) 
10 май 2019, 13:3410.05.19


New player here, looking for a clan to join. Going to see if you have any spaces left. :)