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Raid stopped working and now everything Plarium-related even the Website barely loads

Raid stopped working and now everything Plarium-related even the Website barely loads

6 июнь 2021, 15:0506.06.21

Raid stopped working and now everything Plarium-related even the Website barely loads

Ok, so I'm amazed I was FINALLY able to log in. Initially, I was having an issue with Raid having issues loading properly and then eventually I became unable to even open Raid and all within the span of 12h. I slept and woke up to find the issue had worsened and so I tried literally everything to the point of resetting my internet settings on my phone(which I use as my router) and reinstalling the game on both my phone of on my computer.

Oddly I noticed that when I tried to redownload the Plarium client which is only about 2MB in size the download speed was extremely slow and then when I tried to log in to the forums and also submit a bug report/ticket the website would constantly freeze up and refuse to load.

JUST TO BE CLEAR: It does OCCASIONALLY get through the loading screen but whenever it does it will fail to load something within a minute of trying to play the game and comes up asking me to relog in OR will get stuck trying to load for minutes at a time. It seems like my connection to Plarium has been capped and I have no clue why. I have exhausted all the options on my end.

I've not noticed any other internet issues with any other website or downloading anything else it just seems to be Plarium that I can't connect properly to and I have never had an issue remotely like this in the past. It's completely preventing me from playing Raid and frustrating the hell out of me.

Please could I have this looked into? I don't know what else to do but post here.

I can't take a screenshot of the loading error that comes up when I try to login on my Android phone but I carefully wrote it out. I'll get a screenshot of when I try to login through Bluestacks and also the Plarium Launcher and attach them here to show that the error is consistent among all devices.

Android Error:

SignInCmd [ CmdException "t" SignIn "e":45164 "l":45164 "c":Timeout "s":RetryPending "a":True "l": [contentLength = -1] ]

[ WebException "w":Timeout ]

[ v4.30.0 um44992727 | 0 s00 en-US 6-6-21 14:30:34 UTC(device) ] 

Windows 10 Plarium Play Error:


Bluestacks Error:


6 июнь 2021, 16:1506.06.21

So I managed to login on Windows 10 but the other platforms aren't working still.

I managed to do a couple of things before the error started again. I got another screenshot of it, I literally can't do anything in this game anymore without getting this ridiculous error and it is a real shame.


7 июнь 2021, 05:1307.06.21


7 июнь 2021, 06:1007.06.21

I have the same issue since last Friday. Can't get game to consistently work through Plarium Play on Mac or through iphone. When I can get in it will time out post any battle and I need to try and log in again. 

7 июнь 2021, 06:3907.06.21

same issue. I have 2 accts, each on separate phones and PCs.  One acct works fine both for the app and Plarium Play. The other works on neither.  

I actually swapped both accts to be on the other PC (Plarium) and phone app platforms. Guess what?! -
the issue migrated with the acct.  My acct which works on one pc and app, worked on the other pc and phone. The acct I can't log in with works on neither PC nor app.  

This very clearly shows the issue is not client side or hardware or Wi-Fi related button issue with the  RAID program.


7 июнь 2021, 09:3507.06.21
7 июнь 2021, 09:37(отредактировано)

Exactly Martin. I have another account I tested with and had the same issue. you have where the other account works fine but your main account has issues
It is still going on, there's been zero response, and it is extremely frustrating. Support is non-existent it seems. Looks like I won't be spending another cent on this game.

7 июнь 2021, 09:4107.06.21


also this happened earlier. see it isn't just the game but the damned forums and entire plarium site going slow n having connection issues. I seriously doubt I will be compensated fairly for any of this too *eyerolls*


7 июнь 2021, 12:3907.06.21

My client UID is um44992727 | 44065521

Just incace i get compensation for this 2+ day inconvience 

7 июнь 2021, 13:3807.06.21

Same issue, basically cant play the game at all.

7 июнь 2021, 15:2607.06.21

WTF plarium, fix this server connection error, game is not playable very frustrated and I want a refund

7 июнь 2021, 17:0007.06.21

I have encountered the same issue as well.

Same issue on Android / iOS Device.

When upgrading the artifact, finish fighting and waiting for the result (It took a long time before the result return).

Everywhere in the game is so slow, only happen from Friday Last week.


7 июнь 2021, 17:5107.06.21

Mine is working fine again now. website is operating at normal speeds again too. Hope this is a permanent fix.

7 июнь 2021, 23:0007.06.21

Spoke too soon, its knackered again.

Not sure how we are supposed to do this fusion when we cant even play the game.

8 июнь 2021, 13:0408.06.21

Hello folks, currently we are experiencing some issues with pathing towards our servers. Meaning quite a few players arent able to reach servers through regular means.

You can most likely go around this by using a VPN service for the time being. This would be temporary fix on user side.

We are looking into the problem to find a permanent solution and it would be very helpful if you could fill out form on this thread, provided you are experiencing this issue.
