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Where’s the rewards PLARIUM??

Where’s the rewards PLARIUM??

3 янв. 2021, 17:2503.01.21

Where’s the rewards PLARIUM??

The game was down for at least 5 hours with no word from PLARIUM on what was going on or an ETA. It finally comes back on and they didn't even give out any rewards for the inconvenience? Wtf PLARIUM. Really dropped the ball on this one huh?

5 янв. 2021, 12:5505.01.21

Recent update what happen to CB rewards our player group noted no armor drops shard drops decrease etc.  Same G4 rewards not a single piece in top player accounts that was 6 star.  You removed reare books ultra and nm but epic and lego does not seem to be increased and rare books now live up to the name Rare almost extinct have not even offered them at your .80 cents a book rate combo pack in over 4 months.  Honestly our 30 clan player group high end players are getting frustrated by the cheapness of drop rates with every change made.  Your server down 6 hours missed key rotations had to buy key 100 gems skrewed up clock rotation and compensation has not a single key in it. Plus u make rewards expire in 2 days given on your companies failure to have redundancy protocols for game stability ... lost hour sleep at 5am waiting for it to come back on line never did, plus NM rewards in CB never rewarded happened to multiple players in our group .. palarium response was woeful honestly unsure how a class action lawsuit has not been filed against your company for some of the tactics used ie. Deleting purchased items in inbox due to ingame overflow and response from your company ...sorry we can't put them back...they should not have been taken in the 1st place!  5 grand into the game at this point no exaggeration have receipts to prove really thinking hard about how I spend leisure money and to whom I can say for certain each action like these to lessen rewards creates opposite reaction I have definently curtailed spending and if this continues will curtail more or time to move on like I did from Harry Potter and Pokemon!