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Stuck on Loading Server Configs

Stuck on Loading Server Configs

19 апр. 2020, 01:1619.04.20

Stuck on Loading Server Configs

This started last night (Friday 17th). If on wifi, the game will not load and stops at "loading server configs". On my phone, I can switch wifi off, and it will load. My tablet (android) is wifi only, so I can't just switch it off. I can't get anything else to work. I've emptied the app data and cashe, I've restarted, and Uve uninstalled/reinstalled with no success. Nothing has changed with my wifi and I've never had an issue with this before. Anyone have suggestions?
25 апр. 2020, 21:0925.04.20

Regarding the game getting stuck on "loading server configs." there are no ongoing server issues unless they are announced.

However, If the issue isn't caused by server maintenance either planned or unplanned, players can try the following:

1. Changing your connection method or use a VPN service to change your IP address.

2. Using Android OS emulators (e.g., BlueStacks, NOX).

3. Using another device to play the game.

4. Lowering in-game graphics and FPS settings

From our end, we are working on optimizing the game so that is suffers less from connection interference.

There are many factors that can affect these crashes and freezes, mainly device and connection based, such as firewall and other local security settings, router and local area network issues, DNS and CDN cache, Internet service provider having issues with certain services and so on.

4 июнь 2022, 12:5104.06.22

My game will not load an I've checked connectivity changed to differ wifi an VPN an i know my device is compatible because I have already been playing it for couple months now. Why does it keep not loading and or crashing? I spend good money an time on this game just to miss out on alot!!

8 авг. 2022, 21:1108.08.22

I can play the game on my phone BUT i need to play it on my PC via Plarioum play and its just not loading...

11 авг. 2022, 02:4711.08.22
Nick Drake

I can play the game on my phone BUT i need to play it on my PC via Plarioum play and its just not loading...

What OS are you using for PC? Have you tried uninstall, clear all Plarium files on your computer and reinstall?

20 апр. 2023, 05:2820.04.23

I played this game on my PC for about 6 1/2 days before it flaked out at the end of an event related boss fight. The boss went down, the characters turned around, and some loading circle was in the middle of the screen. It was unable to show battle results. It said I had lost my connection to the server, and I needed to re-login. That was when it first got stuck on "loading server configs." I've cleared cache. I Uninstalled and reinstalled 6 times, including once getting into regedit and deleting all Plarium entries. I changed my DNS, a thing no one had any business calling on me to do.  The first post in this thread is dated 06/27/19 . Tell people how to resolve this issue so the game plays as it did when I was throwing money at you, or take it out of the playstore and tell people the proposition, "This game is playable on PC" is False.

23 апр. 2023, 19:3723.04.23

UP UP UP. Same issue can not log in. Stuck server configuration on log in. No response to tickets.

8 июль 2023, 22:2308.07.23

I played this game on my PC for about 6 1/2 days before it flaked out at the end of an event related boss fight. The boss went down, the characters turned around, and some loading circle was in the middle of the screen. It was unable to show battle results. It said I had lost my connection to the server, and I needed to re-login. That was when it first got stuck on "loading server configs." I've cleared cache. I Uninstalled and reinstalled 6 times, including once getting into regedit and deleting all Plarium entries. I changed my DNS, a thing no one had any business calling on me to do.  The first post in this thread is dated 06/27/19 . Tell people how to resolve this issue so the game plays as it did when I was throwing money at you, or take it out of the playstore and tell people the proposition, "This game is playable on PC" is False.

Same issue, this is a joke. Lucky i havent spent much money on the game yet

9 май 2024, 12:4409.05.24

yep same problem going to lose account because i dont remember what fake email i used. I think after reading this ill just write this game off, glad I have no money and little time in it.

9 май 2024, 14:2409.05.24

yea it on raid do to the new up date same here 

9 май 2024, 14:4609.05.24

Same here ..Response from Support- Someone will get back to me within 48 hours , ive cleared cache, restarted router, restarted computer. I really don't want to go the route of uninstalling game again as others have said it didn't make a difference.


9 май 2024, 15:0009.05.24

that it lot of guys are have the same thing

9 май 2024, 15:1709.05.24

roll with a VPN for now, that is the best option

9 май 2024, 23:0609.05.24
9 май 2024, 23:07(отредактировано)

vpn still not loading  it you guys and the new update my game work fine before the update to day

10 май 2024, 13:3510.05.24
10 май 2024, 16:25(отредактировано)

hope it gets fixed soon. i Was just about done with the event  :/  I was playing fine before the update. now it won't launch on my phone or pc. 

update. All of sudden it's working now.

10 май 2024, 14:1910.05.24

I heard through a developer they suffered a major data breach........guessing we have all been hacked since the usual methods don't work to fix after update breaks.  Russia I am guessing since this is in Poland or Ukraine something like that from what I have gathered.  Easy fix is to refund me three years worth of transactions

10 май 2024, 14:1910.05.24

We don't even have a number to speak to a human.......

10 май 2024, 14:2110.05.24

I hope they start handing out orange shards for this and some major boosts.......I would make heads roll if I ran this crap.......I used to handle all major US banking and the support teams knew how to handle things and people.......you guys have dropped the ball

10 май 2024, 14:2310.05.24

Regarding the game getting stuck on "loading server configs." there are no ongoing server issues unless they are announced.

However, If the issue isn't caused by server maintenance either planned or unplanned, players can try the following:

1. Changing your connection method or use a VPN service to change your IP address.

2. Using Android OS emulators (e.g., BlueStacks, NOX).

3. Using another device to play the game.

4. Lowering in-game graphics and FPS settings

From our end, we are working on optimizing the game so that is suffers less from connection interference.

There are many factors that can affect these crashes and freezes, mainly device and connection based, such as firewall and other local security settings, router and local area network issues, DNS and CDN cache, Internet service provider having issues with certain services and so on.

Done all of the above and even tried from a friends house and nada........still have not heard jack....funny how you can take our money in seconds but when we need help we get ........it will be a 4 or more days

10 май 2024, 14:2410.05.24
10 май 2024, 14:25(отредактировано)

I bill out at $10,000 a week for solution consulting......used to be with Aspect and Davox and Concerto......I am going to bill you for lost time since you don't respect us enough to have a quick chat

12 окт. 2024, 00:0212.10.24

I had the same issue and I resolved it. 

I had to disable IPv6 in my network settings. Instead of posting a long ass step-by-step, watch this super short YT Video instructing you how. 


I hope this reaches you all and it helps. Good luck!!