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Latest update results into black screen both starting the platform and or the game icon.

Latest update results into black screen both starting the platform and or the game icon.

13 дек. 2019, 02:0113.12.19

Latest update results into black screen both starting the platform and or the game icon.

Platform: Plarium Play - Raid Shadow Legends on PC

Right after installing the new update, literally minutes ago, the starting screen stays completely black and the mouse pointer have a circle going round and round, and round... starting the game icon and the platform icon both result into this.

Please fix this, we are losing precious resources and this happens right before the fusion event start. That's not really fun and I hope it will be resolved quick, otherwise many people will start the events with a bad taste and negative experience.

Starting with a loading black screen that keeps the mouse marker circle rotates after the supposed update that will bring you information on the upcoming events, we already saw in the event tab... is not a cool thing to experience especially as a f2p that already face an almost impossible fusion fight to complete the events, and losing precious resources right before the events start is critical probably game changing to many. 

Please, go and look at it as soon as possible and fix it. 

Good luck and hope it will be resolved soon and with ease on your end(nothing big). :)

13 дек. 2019, 07:4413.12.19


Try to uninstall reinstall your client.

13 дек. 2019, 08:3013.12.19

I was doing just that for the last 4-5 hours. Same thing.

Luckily, now, after 5+ hours the client broke trough and loaded. 

Hope this won't happen during the events. Was extremely frustrating and lost a lot of resources.

13 дек. 2019, 10:3813.12.19

Sezzy said:


Try to uninstall reinstall your client.

Now, after I entered the game and saw the events content plus the fusion requirements...

I would say waiting on a black screen and bleeding out on resources was the BEST option. 

Really, these event requirements and all voids... all void potions that have only 1 day in a week open and have the drop rate of a legendary hero...

And this is the Christmas event you created to make us happy, have fun and play the game and love it even more.... actually, why bother even writing you don;t care... like 0 f were given about the players. 

You, Sezzy, might not be part of it(decision wise), being just a moderator, but you should hear this very clearly - people don't like to be f with and disrespected. These events and fusion is just that. 

p.s. Excuse my expressing all the BS i feel instead of feeling joy and be happy to go for a Christmas challenge I was excepting - one that is actual challenge event for players not an event made in HELL and focused only for players who spend minimum 100-200+ dollars a month(probably they will have problem too). It's not you Sezzy, its YOU Plarium, that I'm referring to...

Heck, imagine if a calm and collected person like me gets that pissed off what more emotional people will feel like and do... 

Anyway, even if it goes back to black and broken game client won't matter anymore.  
13 дек. 2019, 11:0513.12.19
Такая же беда. После обновления клиент плариума черный экран и мигающий курсор и ничего не помогает, даже переустановка. Возможно это связано со старым ПК на вин 7-8.
13 дек. 2019, 23:4813.12.19

 загрузил с лю стакса но там ве тормозит а  плариума играть сегодня невозможно нет доступа и черный экран 

14 дек. 2019, 12:1214.12.19


Try to use pp client in Windows Vista compatibility mode. 

14 дек. 2019, 13:3514.12.19
Вот это реально помогло. Спасибо.
14 дек. 2019, 21:4614.12.19
14 дек. 2019, 22:17(отредактировано)

Sezzy said:


Try to use pp client in Windows Vista compatibility mode. 

This fixes the black screen. 

But the game keeps constantly crashing  and losing arena tokens, boss keys and energy from dungeon and campaign runs. Probably few times per hour it simply goes and crash.

Thank you, Sezzy. 

p.s. Excuse my emotional writing above, like I said there, it's not personal to you, but towards the game developers(the decision takers) who created that event. 

14 дек. 2019, 22:4014.12.19
SeekThemOut said:

Sezzy said:


Try to use pp client in Windows Vista compatibility mode. 

This fixes the black screen. 

But the game keeps constantly crashing  and losing arena tokens, boss keys and energy from dungeon and campaign runs. Probably few times per hour it simply goes and crash.

Thank you, Sezzy. 

p.s. Excuse my emotional writing above, like I said there, it's not personal to you, but towards the game developers(the decision takers) who created that event. 

Hello, i would suggest also checking your internet connections or maybe turning down your graphic settings just to test.
13 фев. 2020, 13:3713.02.20


& problem is in Intel Graphics, [mine is Intel HD 4000]

don't know as for Raid .. as i run it on NVidia GPU, but solved for Total Domination - black screen as changed in NVidia Control Panel intel for NVidia GPU to run Flash_Wrapper - Total Domination runs in 

maybe for your Raids is same 

13 нояб. 2022, 10:1713.11.22
13 нояб. 2022, 10:26(отредактировано)

When I open Plarium Play, the program shows absolutely nothing, just black for me as well. And I don't know how I can use the pp client


13 нояб. 2022, 16:0013.11.22

When I open Plarium Play, the program shows absolutely nothing, just black for me as well. And I don't know how I can use the pp client


Have you tried a fresh uninstall/reinstall?

14 нояб. 2022, 14:2314.11.22

This loading issue is becoming absurd. I have to uninstall and then insally the game 3 or 4 times a day to finally get a screen opened.

Will you refund the money spent on this game for lack of any support on this issue?

7 дек. 2022, 11:3707.12.22

tried removing plarium play and reinstalling but still only a black scare has ios

7 дек. 2022, 20:5307.12.22

Having the same problem across multiple devices (PC's) with different graphic cards. Been uninstalling and reinstalling endlessly, and either i just get the plarium display logo with a spinning ring, or a completely black window.

Hope this issue gets solved soon.

7 дек. 2022, 21:2407.12.22

I have black screen 5 days in a row. Nothing help. Probably I'll say thank you, Plarium and goodbye

7 сент. 2023, 15:3507.09.23

My mac has black screen. Help. Uninstall does not work. Help.

17 окт. 2024, 11:5117.10.24

I was having issues with the blank white screen.  Don't know how related they are but I disabled the Intel Graphics Disaply and let it use only my GEForece chipset.  Bam. Works just fine now.  Hope this works for you.
