Try a couple things that have worked for people in the past with this issue:
1) Reseting your modem/router, can often fix local connection issues to the server
2) Try a VPN. Windscribe is free, I use it myself.
3) Finally, if that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling in case your download of the new update went wonky.
I've had the same issue recently. Then I did some basic troubleshooting steps from their help section (reinstalling, clearing cache, updating drivers and so on). Nothing helped except using a VPN connection, even though it did not work every time. So I had to use a 3-rd party Android emulator to play the game (you can google for one of those apps) until Plarium Play started loading as usual. In the meantime you can check if the issue persists in Doom Tower battles so that you don't lose any resources to start it.