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1.9 Crash Continues

1.9 Crash Continues

16 июль 2019, 20:5416.07.19

1.9 Crash Continues

So I know lots of people have already commented on this issue but due to continued frustration I have decided to throw my hat in the ring. It honestly feels like you guys are intentionally trying to drive your customers away. For starters it seems like you put out an update with no testing. Secondly when players began reporting the problem the only responses I have seen are to submit a report ticket with a screen shot which, given the issue that has been explained numerous times of the game getting a black screen and then immediately crashing, would be useless. Third it has now been over two days since the update went live and the problems surfaced and there is still no sign that anything is being done to resolve the problem. This is probably my biggest issue with the whole ordeal, I understand that problems arise when putting out updates even if they have been tested which will undoubtedly frustrate customers. However; most customers want to at least feel like they are being heard and that something is being done to address their concern, by giving no response it leaves your customers in limbo with no ending in sight or even any certainty that the issue will be resolved at all, which with this particular issue is completely unacceptable. I know you probably don't care about a single player leaving your game as that doesn't put a large dent in your pocket and the majority of your money comes from new players, but what brings in new players today is mostly word of mouth and if your current player base is unhappy with your game they are far less likely to recommend it to others (through thinks like reviews). So while loosing only one player isn't likely concerning having a mass of players leave (from what I've seen everyone with an iPhone that isn't using WiFi is having this problem) can be detrimental to your game and likely cause the money to dry up. I like many others am frustrated mostly because i enjoy the game and want to be able to play it and have put quite a bit of money in to the game and don't want to leave it due to your poor business choices. That being said I will continue playing the game (if I can ever actually get back in) but I can assure you I will not spend any more money. 


A concerned and frustrated customer