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Terrible mistake.....

Terrible mistake.....

3 янв. 2021, 00:1003.01.21

Terrible mistake.....

Hey guys so today I bought all the bonus void packs in hope of getting Kris the ageless From the 2x void summoning.  After buying the 3 packs of voids, I had a total of 107 shards. Imagine my disappointment that I didn't get Kris ageless.But I did get itos Which I was really excited about. After I finish summoning all my void shards. I went into the tavern to start upgrading itos, but then my 1 year old twins woke up and started crying so I went to make them a bottle and left my phone on the sofa with babie. After about 5 mins When I had finished making them a bottle I came back and they were playing on my phone call, Which I didn't think anything of it because I always allow them to touch my phone. After I gave him the bottle and they were calm down I I took back my phone to start playing back raid shadow legends.  First thing I realize was that some of my champs where missing but I didn't know who as I had just finished summoning to fill my exact 200 slots.  Imagine my surprise when  I realized that my itos was missing that I just got. so I close the Raid app and re-opened it, And clicked on Champion's button when I opened my first champ in the vault which is Tormin Gear was missing which had me confused so I close the app again and re-opened and the gear was back on tormin.I then went back into the tavern to look for my itos. Which I didn't find but realized that what looks have happend is that my twins fed my itos And a few other champs . how I came to that conclusion was that my champion vault was full300 and my slots where maxed 200 after void summowning. but while looking for itos I notice the 196  champ in my slots so 4 where missing. I found A draconis max lvl30 and Ifrit lvl10. both of who were just summon.  I don't know how it's possible that while playing with my phone I Twins unlocked a legendary and fed it. what can I do about it now ? Any Thoughts on this matter?
