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Lost my account. Please help if possible

Lost my account. Please help if possible

27 нояб. 2020, 01:4227.11.20

Lost my account. Please help if possible

Hi, I've been playing Raid for about 4 months. When I started, I connected to Facebook thinking that was enough. Flash to the present, my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to tap the "Log out" button. Little did I know that was not a button I should have tapped. Now, I try to log back in with Facebook, and I get a new account. 

I just hit lvl 50, and am a bit sad that my account is lost. This is my fault, but it would be great if my account could be retrieved. Unfortunately I do not know of any information that could link to my account. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I know my own username since I am not sure if this game allows duplicate names. If the game does not allow duplicate names then I probably added something extra. I know for a fact that my username is "Virtel", at least. If it helps any, the avatar profile I have chosen is Elhain. The date that I logged out is 11/26/2020 (if this helps any). I really don't know if it helps any but I'll give all the information I know. As for progress, I believe I am currently on the Nightmare mode on the third map. My arena defense should just be a fully ascended lvl 50 Shaman. My highest lvl champions are Kael and Elhain, both at lvl 60.

I hope this helps retrieve my account. I'm just grasping at straws right now, and I would be really appreciate if my progress is returned.

Thank you.

14 дек. 2020, 15:3814.12.20


22 дек. 2020, 00:4022.12.20

My account is I.D. UM47282133/46281836, my guild is Clan 5smoothstones, and Gawaine Irby is my nickname but I can't find my game after changing from my 2013 Mac to my 2019 Mac. All I get is a game start over. What do I do. I won't start overt