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Resset on deals

Resset on deals

7 июль 2020, 20:5307.07.20

Resset on deals


I was wondering if it was possible to ask for a resset on the deals offered on my account. I do not really want to stop paying but I happen to not be a whale nor a cow. There isn't much to milk so selling less for more money will not work on me. 

I used to buy the mini mix pack on a daily basis, now that it is at 20$ and offer only 2/3 of 4 packs, I do not plan on buying it. My monthly pack is now at 50$... It appears that I won't buy it anymore. 

Someone told me I had to stop buying for 1 or 2 month for it to resset. I can do this and it will probably lead me to stop the game if I cannot get energy. Or I'll keep buying actual deals but never ever buy the mini mix or the monthly. 

I am considering if I need to cancel my pass subscription too, for I do not know if it interact with this algorithm or not. 

Anyway, it is an unconventional demand but it would be lovely if someone looked into it. I find this marketing strategy extremely strange, i hope someone will consider the possible demand of those who wish for the option of a responsible spending. 

I would love to see my mini mix and my monthly at basic prices again. 

