Hello Arunas Kalpokas!
Hope your are well bud, this is a situation i have not heard of or come across much in my short time as a trainee-mod.. but i will ask my sources and look into this for you.
Please give me some time, i will respond with news/questions as soon as i can and we can hopefully find a resolution and get you back grinding.
All the best to you bud, speak soon.
Can't log into plarium play on pc for desktop game. Plarium sends a 2FA code but never shows up in my email for authtenication. Plarium tried resending code still no code in any folder. two other accounts on the same platform work fine. This account used to work. Stopped working after re install plarium play
Can't log into plarium play on pc for desktop game. Plarium sends a 2FA code but never shows up in my email for authtenication. Plarium tried resending code still no code in any folder. two other accounts on the same platform work fine. This account used to work. Stopped working after re install plarium play
Hi there,
Please open a support ticket here: https://plarium.com/en/support/
They should be able to assist you with the matter.