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Phone reset,  need access to my account

Phone reset, need access to my account

30 март 2020, 21:5630.03.20

Phone reset, need access to my account

I have sent a few messages through the support in game with no help this morning and afternoon no responseCreating a plarium ID or linking my account to Facebook was an epic failure so there was no way I could save my progress and this morning my phone reset however I have my user ID I have a link that I sent a friend for a referral that was successfully in progress she is almost level 30 now I'm also an Amazon Prime member which means I have received almost two months worth of gifts I was also a battle pass purchaser so I have more than a few Google Play receipts there is more than one way to link my account back to me in fact you guys should make the player ID box in the profile information editable I could have just put in my real player ID and save you guys a lot of trouble and me a lot of lost gaming time please respond an automatic email does not make anybody feel better
