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This is my account. That is not my email address.

This is my account. That is not my email address.

14 фев. 2020, 09:1414.02.20

This is my account. That is not my email address.

I had some issues logging into my account a few days back. All signs pointed to a deleted account. Couldn't enter on PC and Android App would bugout at startup.

Pretty much gave up and quit the game. 

Imagine my surprise when I somehow launch the app on android by mistake just now and lo-and-behold the account is logged in, and everything's still there. Champs and whatnot, unsure on currency, kicked from clan. 

But my username is different. 

Instead of my username it reads: mrxpowerful. Instead on my email address, it's his own gmail (and apparently Facebook) accounts that are associated.

So essentially, someone got a hold of my account info, did a full swap and I was none the wiser. 

Not one notification email. Not one warning whatsoever in the way of: "hey, your email's been changed, was this you?" Nada. Dude got in, swapped it out, and everyone was none the wiser. Fantastic.

I know what's next in remedying this situation. I want you to tell me that exact thing.

This is the ID: um21007646 | 20681850

If you have something as bare minimum as an account log you should be able to confirm the credentials change. If not than the company is in worse straits than I suspected. 

Recover my account, or nuke it from the databse. I wont have some jackass benefit from my spent time and effort.

Proof of Account open on my device:

