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Account using Facebook on PC is different from my mobile

Account using Facebook on PC is different from my mobile

23 янв. 2020, 20:0623.01.20

Account using Facebook on PC is different from my mobile

Hey hi, uhm I'm using facebook to log in your game on android but when I tried to login on PC its a totally different user.

Android my Player ID is um29684298 |29175362

PC my Player ID is um39157091 | 38444558

why is it under the same Facebook login I have two different accounts, what should I do since I dont want to lose my progress in that I have done with my phone, since currently im trying to fix my phone.

24 янв. 2020, 05:0324.01.20

Janeal Robert Real said:

Hey hi, uhm I'm using facebook to log in your game on android but when I tried to login on PC its a totally different user.

Android my Player ID is um29684298 |29175362

PC my Player ID is um39157091 | 38444558

why is it under the same Facebook login I have two different accounts, what should I do since I dont want to lose my progress in that I have done with my phone, since currently im trying to fix my phone.


Link to your android gamn progress to plarium id than log in on pc.

27 янв. 2020, 14:0727.01.20


i have a similar issue.

I created an account on my mobile, linked to FB. This is my Account1.

then i installed Raid on my computer. This created a new account Account2 which is linked to my plarium account.... not intentional.

On my mobile i am able to log account2 and switch back to account1.

I am never able to log my account1 on computer. i already looked for FAQs and submitted a ticket...

Ticket answer sent me to FAQs stuff i already tried.

What do i need to do?


28 янв. 2020, 07:1428.01.20


Please contact with our support in game at account category.

Thank you

27 фев. 2020, 23:4327.02.20

I connected my account to Facebook and got a new phone and installed the game on my new phone and now i can login through Facebook, i don’t have a plarium I’d but i have my in game name if that’ll work

Rohair07 is my in game name and i have pics of my account if that’ll also help? 
11 фев. 2024, 11:5111.02.24
11 фев. 2024, 11:52(отредактировано)

Same here. I have logged into Plarium via Facebook on mobile and web and plarium created two seperate ID's on one facebook accont. Pretty easy code. I don't know why it can't be easier.