6 star legendary sold
I was attempting to upgrade a new item I got but didn't have money to do so. I was trying to sell gear to get the silver required, but I guess when I hit it the legendary was still selected by default?
I really like the game and have been sure to do more than my part in financially supporting it. Hopefully a mod / customer service agent out there can have mercy on me and restore this item as a one time courtesy as I'm still learning the UI as a newer player.
It was a 6 star. legendary relentless helm I had won from the recent summoning tournament. Substats were spd, atk%, crit% and crit dmg%.
As soon as I noticed my error I sent a ticket to support, but got an auto response that it was a no reply classification, so I was hoping someone here could help me out with a response. I'm nervous to sell anything else as if you only track the last sold transaction I don't want to overwrite it.
player ID: um31269161 | 30706932