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Random Chat Ban

Random Chat Ban

17 нояб. 2019, 02:3717.11.19

Random Chat Ban

Is there any way to find out why I was banned from chat? I in my clan chat 99% of the time, and I cannot figure out what I would have said in global to be reported. We have a small clan, and I usually play on my phone. I will send less than 10 messages per day, and to my knowledge never say inappropriate things.  please help.
17 нояб. 2019, 12:3817.11.19

hennessy924 said:

Is there any way to find out why I was banned from chat? I in my clan chat 99% of the time, and I cannot figure out what I would have said in global to be reported. We have a small clan, and I usually play on my phone. I will send less than 10 messages per day, and to my knowledge never say inappropriate things.  please help.


Sorry for an inconvenience pls post here or discord your ban screen than pm me. 

Thank you
11 дек. 2019, 19:5311.12.19

I just had the same thing happen!  I was chatting with my clan leader about airboats, fishing and buying property in a swamp...I got banned from chat! I didn't initiate the discussion and nothing inappropriate was said. (I'm a Sunday School teacher...I don't speak disparaginly or rudely.)

Now, they're trying to get me to respond and I cannot!
11 дек. 2019, 23:1411.12.19
deannacrownover3 said:

I just had the same thing happen!  I was chatting with my clan leader about airboats, fishing and buying property in a swamp...I got banned from chat! I didn't initiate the discussion and nothing inappropriate was said. (I'm a Sunday School teacher...I don't speak disparaginly or rudely.)

Now, they're trying to get me to respond and I cannot!
Hello, PM me your in game id in this format UMXXXXX|XXXXXXX and a link to this post and i will see what i can do.