DemonicV11 окт. 2024, 20:1311.10.2404.05.191Clan Leader questionI created my own clan, I was the leader. I logged on a few days ago and found that someone I don't know is now the leader of my clan and my own standing has been taken. What happend? How do I regain my position? Why was my clan invaded?
dthorne04Moderator11 окт. 2024, 21:3311.10.2430.12.206606How long has it been since you logged on last? After 21 days the clan passes on to a deputy.
DemonicV11 окт. 2024, 21:4211.10.2404.05.191That explains it. I hadn't logged in for about a year. Thank you very much dthorne04.
dthorne04Moderator11 окт. 2024, 21:4611.10.2430.12.206606DemonicVThat explains it. I hadn't logged in for about a year. Thank you very much dthorne04.You're welcome & welcome back, as well. Sadly that does mean they'd have to pass on leadership back onto you for you to run the clan again.