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Fraudulent charge on my account!

Fraudulent charge on my account!

21 июнь 2019, 01:1621.06.19

Fraudulent charge on my account!

I only been playing this game for a few weeks. I was so in love with the game. But to see a charge on my account that I never made is very upsetting. And to add to the dismay this account I only use for on line purchases so I don't leave money in this account the bank has now charged me overdraft charges. It so upsetting.  I would have made some purchases in the future as I have with other game but now i have had to cancel all my cards and change all my information. 

So upset!!!
28 июнь 2019, 11:5728.06.19

Hi! Can you send me a msg with the ss of the purchase made and your player ID so I can forward it to the Support Team. 

Thank you

cordero808 said:

I only been playing this game for a few weeks. I was so in love with the game. But to see a charge on my account that I never made is very upsetting. And to add to the dismay this account I only use for on line purchases so I don't leave money in this account the bank has now charged me overdraft charges. It so upsetting.  I would have made some purchases in the future as I have with other game but now i have had to cancel all my cards and change all my information. 

So upset!!!

22 нояб. 2019, 03:1822.11.19
Hello I’ve had the same issue just now was wondering if you were able to solve this problem 
22 нояб. 2019, 11:2522.11.19

ericvaliquette1 said:

Hello I’ve had the same issue just now was wondering if you were able to solve this problem 


Please contact with our support in game via payment category. 
27 нояб. 2019, 21:0027.11.19
I’ve also had a charge put through without any permission or items even received. I contacted support with a screenshot of the charge, and all you did was send an automated general response via the in game support. I’ve since asked for proper communication or else I’ll have to have my bank open a fraud investigation and return the charge, but have not heard anything back and that was days ago. 
9 июль 2020, 05:1109.07.20
9 июль 2020, 05:13(отредактировано)
I have also had a fraudulent charge taken out of my bank account for 13.99. I've since removed my card info from this game.  And cant believe they'd reach right in and just take.  I've also only been playing less then 2 weeks and this is what I'm experiencing.... unbelievable theft hidden behind lies. 
28 июль 2020, 05:1528.07.20
I have also had a fraudulent charge taken out of my credit card for 69.99 2 times i have removed my credit card info from this game and dont know how plarium can use it with out my permision
18 нояб. 2020, 12:0918.11.20

Evidently it is part of the company model. 

There were 7 fraudulent charges from Plarium Europe S.A.R. all at once from your company. 6 at 99.99 and one for 4.99. All have been disputed at bank. I have not logged in in weeks before today so please address this issue immediately. USAA bank fraud team has halted payment and is investigating.

4 янв. 2021, 21:4804.01.21

Hey there,

I had 7 fraudulent charges of $99.99 all within a munite. I was able to stop the continued charges by calling my bank and canceling my card. I have not played this game in like a year. How do I get a refund? I am very upset by this because I'm a broke college student working on my masters degree that can't afford being robbed $700 from a random game I haven't played in forever. Please get back to me so we can get this resolved ASAP. I need this money bakc to help pay for my classes and books for this upcoming semester.

5 янв. 2021, 06:5005.01.21

This happened to me too. For me 14 charges ranging from 50 to 100 dollars totaling over 1000 dollars. Happened yesterday as well. Very concerning. I have sent a message to support. I imagine they have many tickets however I have yet to recieve a response. 

7 янв. 2021, 13:4707.01.21

Just happened to me last night.  13 $99.99 purchases over the span of a few seconds.  Submitted a ticket, but no response so far.  Bit of a shock to see why my card is declined when trying to get gas before work.  Would like some kind of response soon...

6 фев. 2021, 21:4906.02.21

10 charges  adding  up to 139.99  my bank flagged  and cnacelled my card 

9 фев. 2021, 13:2909.02.21

Сегодня было два списание по 99,99$. И Было бы больше если бы не блок моей карты. Запрос в службу пожжержки был отправлен. Прошу вернуть средства.

25 фев. 2021, 18:2425.02.21

Was  spending a  ton...  didnt notice the  same thing. Sad  cause  i  like the  game. My first account was banned today for refund issues  or something... probably when i  reported the charges.  Hoping the  second account dosnt follow  suit...  200 champsdown the  drain... 200  more...?

25 фев. 2021, 18:2625.02.21

They  put  the  charges  on  my  account. I  didnt  notice the  stuff  at  first...  i  had so  much. But i  reported the  charges  i  didnt  make...  but it  looks  lik  they  went  to  my  game.

28 май 2021, 13:5728.05.21

Ditto here,

Checked my account to see 7 charges totalling 908 AUD, not logged in for months then it claims my account was banned due to refund abuse. Good thing Australian banks have no questions asked Chargebacks.

17 авг. 2022, 21:4817.08.22

Many charges from them even after removing my card from plarium play! also there are 3-5 websites charging me after using this service all reported as fraud as of today

4 окт. 2022, 12:4904.10.22

I went to bed and had 2400 Spider tournament points, I had the game running
w/the auto feature (had like 45 turns). 

This morning the tournament has concluded, and it lists me as having 1100
points! This is 1400 LESS than when I went to sleep and not considering the 45 Auto Turns that were not counted. 

I can only surmise that the “server update” screwed something up. I am a victim of theft by Plarium, because money was spent saving up  those auto-plays and more importantly TIME was

I wonder if I went on the forums, are other suffering this Rip Off?  

I need to be refunded my last 5 purchases, and sent an appology note.  This should not happen.

4 окт. 2022, 18:0104.10.22

I went to bed and had 2400 Spider tournament points, I had the game running
w/the auto feature (had like 45 turns). 

This morning the tournament has concluded, and it lists me as having 1100
points! This is 1400 LESS than when I went to sleep and not considering the 45 Auto Turns that were not counted. 

I can only surmise that the “server update” screwed something up. I am a victim of theft by Plarium, because money was spent saving up  those auto-plays and more importantly TIME was

I wonder if I went on the forums, are other suffering this Rip Off?  

I need to be refunded my last 5 purchases, and sent an appology note.  This should not happen.


I'm sorry for your troubles, but please do not bump old posts about fraudulent charges, which has nothing to do with this. 

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