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Pulled Tayrel... but he only has 385 Def!

Pulled Tayrel... but he only has 385 Def!

10 июль 2021, 05:3210.07.21

Pulled Tayrel... but he only has 385 Def!

I pulled Tayrel this evening, and was appropriately glad about that, until I realized that I had the instance of this Champion with the lowest DEF in all of Teleria.  385!   

I pulled him out of a 10 Ancient Shard pull during the double chances shard event this evening (Saturday 0600GMT, 1am EDT.  I have no way to show how this happened in a way that can be reproduced.

My OS is Plarium Play, I play on an Alienware A51 4TB machine with 2TB graphics on a 6GBps Internet connection.  so it's probably not my connection or hardware.

Hopefully I can get him resovled in this bug report to being back to the 1343 base defense that is on the Content Creator's websites that list Tayrel.
