5 апр. 2021, 09:0705.04.21
reffer a friend and losing champ!
Hello! i reffered my nephew throught whatsapp
and he isnt on my list, that was like 3 days ago!
i tried today with new account, just to try, to copy refferal llink in my notepad, then deleted polarium play and raid sl game, and then reinstall all with my refferal link. account is created, linked to polarium id, but when i loged on on my phone - this is second account which isnt linked!!
i got some drake, i didn't saw name, but i saw picture. it was 4 star drake !! on my main accont! but my game crashed and now i dont have it in my inventoriy
what to doooooooooooo???????
i love dragoooooooons
he would be in my every team!!!!!