13 март 2021, 21:5613.03.21
Block Debuffs not blocking debuffs in Classic Arena
- PC Windows 10
- I fought in Arena Classic
- Multiple times now, Enemy champions have been ignoring my block debuffs in arena Classic. These enemy champions do not have remove buffs, ignore buffs, decrease buff duration or anything like that, I read and re-read their skills just to be sure I wasn't mistaken. It happens randomly and arbitrarily. The debuffs that I have suffered are block cooldowns, freeze, decrease defense, stun, and fear.
The only Part of the game it happens is in arena classic. If I play vs the same team again right after, then the block debuffs works again. BUT I am losing ranking because of this glitch. Please do something about this.
- My Block Debuffs skill works regularly in all other parts of the game