Broadmaw Resurrect does not heal more than 25% of revived ally's MAX HP when skill is fully upgraded
Title: Broadmaw Resurrect does not heal more than 25% of revived ally's MAX HP when the skill is fully upgraded
Full name of your device: Plarium Play PC (v.225) - Patch 2.30
The version of your OS: Windows 10
Steps you performed in the game before the issue occurred.
- Use Broadmaw with an ally that you can perform resurrect in battle.
Description of the issue: Broadmaw A3 skill Resurrect does not heal more than 25% of revived ally's HP when the skill is fully upgraded. The test subject for revive is Taurus, who has 25217 HP. When Taurus is resurrected, his HP is restored to 25% which is 6304 HP (1 Green Bar = 5K HP). Expected his HP is retored to 8132 HP (25217 x 32.5% = 8132). Broadmaw Resurrect skill is fully upgraded and his max heal is total of 30% = 5% + 10% + 15%. 30% multiplied against base Heal which is 25% (25% x 1.30% = 32.5%).