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Shadow Ban Bug

Shadow Ban Bug

11 нояб. 2020, 02:3411.11.20

Shadow Ban Bug

So the spam bot bans you, you get it revoked and you still suffer.

Any time someone gets banned all of your messages in chat room disappear and no one cn see you unless you log out and waiit about an hour.

On top of this a lot of others users caannot see you when you re chatting while the effect is slamming you (this is before soemone gets banned)

I've reported it a few times, it takes weeks to be fixed. I have been told to delete the game and clear cache, this does nothing but waste time and bandwidth.

I run the game on android, Ios and PC and it happens on all 3 OS types. This is something server side that appears to be sticking on the user database side of things.

I experience it on all channnels, as soon as someone gets banned, all my chat text poofs and then I am invisbile in that channel, you can change channels and be seen until that room gets a ban.

12 нояб. 2020, 12:1012.11.20

Hi. This is sadly still prevelant issue. Devs are working on the fix. Please DM me with your UID so I can forward the unban appeal.