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Artifact Enhancement..

Artifact Enhancement..

10 нояб. 2020, 04:3210.11.20

Artifact Enhancement..

I'd like to know why Plarium explains how to upgrade everything very well, but then they don't explain why, when using glyphs to upgrade, sometimes it gives the "+1" or "+2" ...but it gives the "+1" in red and it does not add the extra points A LOT. Then I lose the glyph and it was nothing but a damn waste of my time and game play. This is some bull crap! 


The +1% did not add to my HP% points. This happens way too often. What the hell is the point of even trying to upgrade with glyphs if this keeps happening so much?! WHY does this even happen? If it's red because it can't add anymore then why is this crap taking the glyphs away? 

11 нояб. 2020, 20:2711.11.20

Figures, friggin dumbass mods don't know shit about this. I gave you my damn screenshot like you idiots ask for. Which is the only thing you ask for with no real answers. Couldn't do it with the older version, but now the photo is there and you won't give any reply. Obviously you moderators don't know everything. 

Where's the "Technomancers" that was explained in the description for the older version of "Bug Reports" forum? No answer there either, I bet. Because there's no such thing. Damn worthless moderators just like to keep everyone thinking these forums are helpful, but you idiots don't even know what is going on, even with the screenshots.

You mods act all smart but don't know shit about this game. Then you pass it off on to your superiors and make them look bad because, again, you don't really know shit about the game. Why are you even here? I bet you can't answer that truthfully either.

Oh well, I should have already known not to come here for answers. I'll just stick to in game chat. They help more than the mods here. 

Laugh out loud @ the dumb mods thinking what they are doing is called help.

Oh yeah, go ahead and ban me again, for telling the truth. All this is copied and pasted. I'll just change to  another IP and User name and post it again and again. 

12 нояб. 2020, 12:0612.11.20
12 нояб. 2020, 12:09(отредактировано)

Dumb mod here. The value glyph is adding is not additive it is fixed.

Meaning if you have 5 star glyph it can, very well, roll just 1, effectively giving just as much a 1 star glyph would give.

If you had same value already, obviously you arent getting increase, and lucky for you (because some games do work like this) if you get lower value with glyph than you had already, you wont get a downgrade it will just remain as it was (for example if you roll just 1%, but you had 2% already you will still have 2% instead of 1%).

Hope this clarifies for you.

P.S. You re banned for 3 days for bad manners and offensive behaviour.