She's fully ascended, and you're probably's probably from Resurgent. But that in itself is a problem that you guys make a LOT in this game: sequencing of events.
The correct sequence of events should be:
- Damage
- Application of debuffs & reactions to damage (i.e. counters, Seeker's passive, Krisk's passive, etc.)
- Reactions to debuffs
In my opinion, your order of events creates a lot of bizarre sequences. The idea that Resurgent is removing a debuff from the same attack that placed it is just ludicrous to me, just as it's equally ludicrous for a hero to benefit from their own debuffs (which I also know happens). It's equally ludicrous to attack a team without any DEF buffs, land a critical hit on Seeker, and have them get DEF buffs BEFORE the damage is applied. The way you sequence events creates paradoxes. The hit is triggering the reaction, so how is the reaction taking place before the hit?!?!
Think about it for a second. I punch you so hard that I simultaneously stun you and wake you up from the stun at the same time? What idiot thought that makes any sense?
Astralith isn't exactly a top tier hero now is she? I won't even get into the fact that she was just reviewed for re-balancing, and nobody at Plarium thought, "Gee, maybe her SPD aura should be just as good as the other Spirit lego who also places know, the guy that places 2 bombs on EVERYONE compared to her ability to place them on just ONE enemy". And thanks to this idiotic sequencing of events, there's a 50% chance she's only going to place 1 bomb?!?!?
Here are 2 messed up sequences involving Brakus:
If you kill Brakus with Zargala's A2, there are 2 ways it could logically go down:
1) She kills Brakus, follows up with her A3. He then rezzes and attacks. This is the most logical because her follow-up is part of the same action. That is, it's not an extra turn (her CDs don't reduce by 1, TMs don't tick, buffs are only reduced by 1 turn, and she uses her A3 even if it's on cooldown), or
2) She kills Brakus, he then rezzes & attacks. If she's still alive, she then triggers her follow-up. This involves interrupting a skill (something you don't normally do), but it still makes sense (and makes for a MUCH cooler fight). Afterall, his skill does say he rezzes when killed, plus he's a lego who gets owned by an epic.
You guys opted for the infinitely dumber 3rd option:
3) She kills Brakus. He interrupts her skill to rezz...and then stands there like an idiot while she puts him back down with her follow-up A3. His ability says "IMMEDIATELY grants an extra turn". As I've already said, you don't normally interrupt a hero's turn, so why rezz him if he's not going to immediately attack? Also, "immediately" doesn't mean "once the current hero's turn is finished". Having him rezz and not attack entirely defeats the purpose of his passive! Either of the above 2 options would be fine (#1 makes more sense, but #2 is much cooler). The option you guys picked is as bizarre as it is dumb. Oh, and this is coming from someone who uses Zargala, not Brakus.
The other bizzarre sequence with Brakus involves Tormin. Brakus buffs the team and then attacks...and THEN gets frozen? If the ATK buff is what freezes him, then how is he attacking? Again, I'm assuming it's because it's all a part of Brakus' turn, and nothing can interrupt a hero's turn. But if that's true, then why is Brakus interrupting Zargala's turn to rezz? Also, your coding seems dead set on not interrupting a hero's turn, but you can interrupt their attack sequence (such as Seeker's DEF buff passive)?!?! How does that make any sense?
I've also seen heroes rezz and then counter-attack, which is just bizzarre. What foolish coder doesn't have "death" as the last step in the attack sequence?
The order of actions MATTERS, and in most cases you guys get it backwards. It makes for a far less enjoyable game watching the bizarre sequence of events play out in many of these battles.