georgerfrith17 окт. 2020, 23:3417.10.2014.02.201Mission 275 isnt working off of nightmare difficulty. Its working off of ultra nightmare I did my 39 million damage on nightmare and it did nothing. Then I did 5 million on UNM and it counted it.
georgerfrith17 окт. 2020, 23:3517.10.2017 окт. 2020, 23:36(отредактировано)14.02.201georgerfrith said:I did my 39 million damage on nightmare and it did nothing. Then I did 5 million on UNM and it counted it.
Deleted18 окт. 2020, 16:2118.10.20126Only the damage done to the first boss attacked that day scores for the mission. If you have attacked in several difficulties, only the first one will score you.