17 окт. 2020, 15:5717.10.20
All Auto Fights Stopping After 7 Battles
This has been happening since about the last Fragment Event, the one after Kreela. Every time I set up an auto fight it runs about 7 to 10 battles and then it just hangs, like the battle is paused, but it’s not of course. I have to close the whole game just to get out and start it up again. Leaving the battle does nothing. Before it hangs, the battles start behaving strangely too. The ‘crit zoom’ effect is the best way I can describe it, but it works the opposite way, or it doesn’t resume the normal POV once the crit has occurred. The whole rest of the battle takes place with the POV in the wrong place. It’s a very strange, multi-part issue that is making the current Event all but impossible. Please help. Thank you.