Elder Skarg uses A3 but not A2 against bosses
I have attached a video of Elder Skarg (Barbarian legendary) not using his A2 Hunt the Marked against a boss when off cooldown. However he uses A3 Elder's Clarion on the boss, which is almost useless since it places Fear debuff which cannot affect the boss. You can also see earlier against the second wave he has no problem using A2 when off cooldown against the trash mobs, and it isn't in this video but he will also use against boss minions. Hunt the Marked is one of the hardest hitting abilities in the game, against any boss it would make him god tier but he never uses unless they are close to dead anyway. Also he prioritizes A3, which makes him hard to use in arena defense because he is so fragile. Please fix this, he is one of the best looking character skins to me, and he is a lot of fun to use in arena and faction wars. He should not be using A3 on boss if the minions are already dead, and he should always prioritize his A2.
In the video I am toggling auto on and off, so it may look like I select skills but I'm not, just hitting auto.